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Church Multiplication Gospel Ministry - Pastor Mezgabu

Mission: Church Multiplication Gospel Ministry is a coalition of Christ followers from many churches working together to plant indigenous, discipled churches in every unreached village of Ethiopia. Their four critical areas of ministry are disciple-making movements, church-planting movements, leadership development, and serving the persecuted.

Ministry: Discipleship, Church Planting

Location: Ethiopia

Website: 4cmgm.org

Big Give 2022

This year, Church Multiplication Gospel Ministry (CMGM) has engaged more than 20 of the 37 unreached people groups remaining in Ethiopia. Currently, CMGM has 157 training centers where they are training 3,850 disciple-makers. Their leader, Mezgabu Tsemuru, is a great friend and mentor to our Kingdom Builders global partners, Paul and Marcy Babor.


Prayer is essential to furthering the mission of Church Multiplication Gospel Ministry. Also, keep an eye out for a potential Kingdom Builders Impact Trip to Ethiopia.





This donation will assist Church Multiplication Gospel Ministry in reaching the final 17 people groups, as well as providing transportation to their incredible team of disciple-makers.


  • Pray that God would continue to open the hearts of the unreached people groups in Ethiopia

  • Pray for more laborers. A massive harvest will require a lot of harvest workers! Therefore, pray that CMGM will be equipped and filled with the Holy Spirit for this time and place.