Radiant Church

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Real Hope Program | Haiti

Location: Haiti
Ministry Focus: Community Development / Discipleship / Compassion Ministries
Website: realhopeprogram.org

Real Hope Program was founded in 2019 as a 501c3 and Michigan based non-profit. After several years of prayer, multiple trips to Haiti and receiving a prophetic message during a service at Radiant God made it clear that he wanted to use a micro-loan program in Haiti to help families in need and share His word. Families who participate in the Real Hope Program receive small business loans ($250 - $500 US) to start or grow a family business. In a country where the majority of families live in extreme poverty, this opportunity can be life changing. Along with access to business capital, the program also provides individuals with entrepreneurial and spiritual training. Several times per year participants are gathered to share a meal, learn general business principles, and spiritual guidance. Each member receives a Creole Bible and is trained on ways to incorporate their spiritual life with their business.

Real Hope Program is funded through financial donations as well as the donation of returnable bottles and cans. Since 2020, Real Hope Program has been blessed with donations of over $10,000 of bottles and cans. God provides in all kinds of ways. Real Hope Program currently has 86 families in Pignon, Haiti participating in the program. There are 34 families on the waiting list to join the program when funds are available. All donated funds go directly to providing more loans or increasing the size of the loans, as inflation in Haiti is currently around 26%. In the first three years of loans the repayment rate of the loans is approximately 99%. As loan payments are made, proceeds are used to provide new loans to others and help financially support local Haitian churches. Real Hope Program is administered by two Haitian individuals who are the only paid members of the organization. God is using this program to change lives and reach families who may not normally attend church.