Radiant Church

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Warm Kids Project

Mission: Warm Kids Project exists to provide winter clothing for kids in the Kalamazoo area. Working directly with local schools, they identify the need and supply boots, hats, scarves, gloves, and coats - all new, to over 1,400 kids in over 50 schools in our county.

Ministry Focus: Mercy Ministry, Kids

Location: Kalamazoo County Public Schools

Big Give 2022


Warm Kids Project is looking for volunteers to help shop and pack boxes. Email warmkidsproject@gmail.com for more information and volunteer opportunities.


Warm Kids Project also accepts donations of knit and crocheted hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens at any time.



This will provide new winter gear for over 1,000 kids in need across Kalamazoo County. For over 10 years, the Radiant Church family has generously given finances to get coats, hats, boots, and gloves to children in our community who need them most.

Serving Opportunities

Boxing Day - Help with the organization and boxing of each school’s winter gear before they are delivered to the schools and given to the students. This typically takes place within a week in October. Reach out to Leslie for more information!

Many people who are good at knitting or crocheting donate several hats, scarves, gloves or mittens. If this is something you could do for WPK, reach out to Leslie!

Contact Info

Leslie Lami-Reed




  • Pray for the kids who will receive winter gear, that they would feel seen and loved by the Father

  • Pray for the schools that WKP serves, for the teachers and the students