Radiant Church

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Kingdom Builders: Ukraine Refugee Crisis

The whole world is shocked by what is going on now in Ukraine. This past weekend, we joined as a church in intercession for the people and the nation of Ukraine. Please continue in prayer for them!

In addition to our support through prayer, we are joining with our ministry partner OneHope to meet the immediate needs of those in crisis. They are setting up refugee centers with local churches in Poland and Moldova. OneHope has partnered with these churches for over 20 years.

There are hundreds of thousands of people trying to flee Ukraine at this moment! Most of the refugees are women and children. More than 25,000 refugees from Ukraine moved into Moldova in only two days. OneHope is working on arranging living conditions in church buildings, camps, and homes to lodge and feed those people.

In moments of crisis, the best help is always local help. OneHope does ministry through local, trusted Church partners they have known for years.

This week, we were able to send a gift of $25,000 to support these local churches as they minister and provide relief to refugees. This is made possible by those who give generously and faithfully to Kingdom Builders at Radiant Church. 

Thank you for your prayers and support of Kingdom Builders!  

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