Radiant Church

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Prayer in the Park

On Sunday, October 23 at 4:00PM, churches from across Kalamazoo are gathering together at Arcadia Creek Festival Place for Prayer in the Park. We will be praying, worshipping, and interceding for the sanctity of life of the unborn. As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to protect those who don’t have a voice.

This event is focused on praying for the unborn. This is not a political event, protest, or candidate endorsement. We ask that you leave any signs or distractions at home.

No matter what church you attend, denomination you’re part of, or background you’re coming from, we’re calling on all followers of Christ to unite together around this focus and pray for revival to come from the heart of our city.

Bring your soul. Bring your voice. Bring your prayers.

Help us spread the word by sharing this with as many people as you can.