Radiant Church

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God Moved At Radiant Camp!

Radiant Camp 2021 was one for the books! Over 225+ kids from 1st grade - 7th grade spent this past week away at Radiant Camp and had an incredible time building friendships and encountering God’s presence. Watch the video below from Pastor Scott Misar highlighting how God was moving at camp!

In last month’s blog from Pastor Zach Dillon, he shared ways that parents could prepare their kids for Camp. He talked about how we can partner with what the Lord is doing BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER camp.

Here’s some things you can do now that camp has concluded:

Don't grill them in the car ride home

I know parents…. this one is hard, but I'm telling you now that even if you ask all the deep, meaningful camp recap questions in the car, most of you will get the characteristic "yeah, camp was good" response. Instead of going deep right away, ask them quickly what some of their favorite parts, let them take a nap, and wait for the days and weeks afterward to ask some more probing, reflective questions.

Buy them a journal

Your student should bring a notebook or journal to camp, but especially afterward, make sure you follow up and encourage them to write down what God did or said to them during their away. One of the enemy's primary strategies is to make us forget or discredit real moments we had with God. Journaling is a practical way we can stir up Faith and be obedient to God’s word in our lives.

Set up a hang out with friends they met at camp

As the classic youth pastor mantra goes - show me your friends and I'll show you your future. Summer camp is a fantastic opportunity for parents to invest in godly friendships and influences for their kids. In the weeks following camp, ask your child who are some of their new friends they made at camp and set up a play date or hangout. Be strategic to invest in the new godly friendships they made during their week away.

Follow up discipleship

This is where you can start asking all the questions! Once you've given them some time to re-acclimate and catch up on sleep, it's your job to begin to water and cultivate the seeds that God planted in your child’s heart at camp. My advice is to bring these questions up in normal and casual everyday settings in your home. Here are some sample questions that you can ask your camper:

  • What was your favorite part of camp?

  • What was one thing God did/said to you?

  • What was your favorite chapel session?

  • What is something God asked you to start doing or to stop doing in your life?

  • How can I help you with what God is calling you to do?

I could and probably should write more on this, but as a parent, you have a God-given assignment and responsibility to come alongside the Holy Spirit in His work of grace in your child's life. You are the primary discipler of your child. God releases vision in moments but sanctifies and transforms us over time. Be obedient to the Great Commission and commit the long process of Christ being formed in your family!

Get them to church in the following weeks

As you continue to take on the responsibility of discipling your child be strategic and get them back in environments where God met them during their time away. Getting your family to church helps ensure accountability and further growth in your camper in the coming months.

Thank you to everyone, whether you had a child attending or not, for praying for supernatural encounters at Radiant Camp this summer. God moved in extraordinary ways. We’re so excited for all that God has planned for this next generation!