Radiant Church

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Jesus Wins

Jesus Wins

Speaker: Pastor Tim Matthews
Date: December 5, 2020

Jesus wins, and because of that, we win! In this stand-alone sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews, we dive into how Jesus defeated the enemy and how we can remember all He did for us during this Christmas season.

Focus Scripture

Matthew 1:18 (ESV)

“Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit.”

Sermon Highlights

  • Christmas is about love, joy, and peace.

He came from heaven and His children should have joy knowing that He, Jesus, will destroy the devil’s works, crush Satan under our feet and have peace knowing that the day is coming when the devil, death, and hades will be thrown into the lake of fire.

Christmas is a missional moment.

Let’s remind ourselves of how God accomplished this mission for our good and His glory.

  • If you ever wonder or question if God is still in control when confronted with the evil of this world, remember Jesus wins.

  • The devil did not the control the death of Jesus.

  • The devil could not stop the resurrection of Jesus.

  • The devil is now defeated and will be obliterated by Jesus.

  • Jesus wins so much so that even demons tremble in His presence and obeys His commands because they know they are no match for the One who was promised.

  • Jesus wins in every way, at all times, for all time, and has never once bowed the knee to Satan.

  • Jesus on his “worst day” is stronger than Satan on his best day.

  • JESUS WINS and because of that, WE WIN.