Radiant Church

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Red Hot Family & Relationships: Part Two

Red Hot Family & Relationships: Part Two

Speaker: Pastor Lee Cummings
Date: May 12, 2019

Have you ever wanted to ask a pastor a really awkward, taboo, or complicated question? Red Hot is a three-weekend live Q&A series that revolves around some of the hottest topics in our culture. In week 2 of RED HOT, Pastor Lee Cummings answers your live questions about Family and Relationships.

Questions from this Message:

  • "What does Godly pursuit of a lady look like? Where are these Proverbs 31:10 ladies (unicorns) hiding?"

  • "Why is it so important to wait for marriage to have sex?"

  • "Biblically, what is the balance of having friendships with those who are homosexual/transgender/etc?"

  • "What does the Bible say about generational sin? Is this something we deal with today?"

  • "As the nuclear family has been "attacked" in the United States, where do you see culture going in the next 10-20 years? How can we protect our families and best be salt and light to a confused world?"

  • "How do you forgive and show honor to your parents when they abused, neglected, and then abandoned you?"