Radiant Church

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The Awaited One: Waiting for His Coming

The Awaited One: Waiting for His Coming

Speaker: Pastor Lee Cummings
Date: December 18, 2022

We are people in waiting. There is a promise of the long awaited one returning. God has not forgotten His people, nor His good creation. He would deliver. Don’t miss our “The Awaited One” series this Christmas season at Radiant.

In the part two from this series leading into our Christmas Eve sermon, Pastor Lee dives into Luke 2 to share how to keep our hearts awaiting His return.

  • Why did so many people miss Jesus’ first coming?
    Ignorance. Prejudice. Complacency. Distraction.

  • What was the difference in all those who welcomed His arrival?
    They were actively waiting.

  • Would it be any different today?
    It won’t be any different before Jesus returns. Because the same conditions exist right now.
    The Promise of His return remains.
    The Prophecies still stand.
    Signs are beginning to occur.

  • How do we keep our hearts awaiting His return?
    Searching the scriptures - like the Magi
    Aching and longing for the Savior – like Simeon
    Praying and fasting – like Anna
    Purifying and preparing a People – like John the Baptist