Radiant Church

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The Gospel of John: Jesus Heals

The Gospel of John: Jesus Heals

Speaker: Pastor Garrett Prechtl
Date: July 16, 2023

In this sermon from Pastor Garrett Prechtl, we dive into trusting Jesus as the ultimate healer and having faith in Him no matter the circumstance. Pastor Garrett emphasizes the importance of knowing who our father is in order to understand our own identity and purpose.

Jesus' response challenges the belief that sickness is always a consequence of sin, emphasizing that the works of God can be displayed through difficult circumstances.

Through the death of Jesus, the bitter waters of our sin are made sweet, highlighting the incredible healing power of our Savior. God wants to heal the bitter waters of our lives, including the pain, trauma, and disappointment we have experienced.

The key to healing is belief, faith, and trust in Jesus, regardless of the affliction or sickness. Our faith, hope, and trust should be in Jesus as our ultimate healer, rather than in doctors or methods.

The doctor was astonished when he compared the scans before and after the healing, asking Pastor Garrett what he had done to experience such a remarkable change.

Despite facing severe health issues, Pastor Garrett Prechtl continued to fulfill his calling and plant a church, demonstrating resilience and dedication to his mission.

"Regardless of how, at the end of the day beloved, God is my healer and since he is my healer I put everything into his hands."