Radiant Church

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When God Comes: Part Two

When God Comes: Part Two

Speaker: Pastor Lee Cummings
Date: February 26, 2023

How do you respond when God comes? Watch part two of this powerful sermon from Pastor Lee Cummings in response to what Lord is doing in our city and across the nation.

  • The reason God walks along the aisles of our church is because He evaluates the health and spiritual climate of the church.

  • He has a heart of intention towards us (which is why He writes the letters in Revelation).

  • God is the great interrupter.

  • Revival is God in His mercy interrupting our conversation before it goes too far.

  • If we have ears to hear, He is doing this (revival) in America.

  • Sin is like gravity, it pulls you.

  • The first stop on that gravitational pull is religion - going through the motions.

  • The next stop is when we completely walk away.

  • In His mercy he steps in and interrupts the gravity of sin and wakes us up.

  • Jesus doesn’t condemn, he refines.

  • Jesus is knocking on the door of the church saying, “I want my church back”.

  • What happens when Jesus steps back in the room when we open the door? Spiritual vitality. Our heart gets lit on fire.