Radiant Church

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Why I Believe: God is Real

Why I Believe: God is Real

Speaker: Pastor Lee Cummings
Date: March 12, 2023

Why do you believe? What is your faith rooted in? It’s easy to forget our jewish roots due to Christianity being watered down by our western understanding. WHY I BELIEVE is a brand new series taking us into the Easter season where we'll discuss our belief in God, His word, and how to navigate the world in its current state.

In week one of our Why I Believe series, Pastor Lee unpacks our belief in God and gives five reasons why he believes that God is real.

  • According to Barna Research. 51% of respondents polled stated they believe in a biblical worldview. When questioned with supplementary research it was found that only 6% actually do.

  • There is more evidence for God and without acknowledging the evidence and the Creator that it points to, we will never be able to understand the world.

  • Everyone has a belief about God. Each belief about God forms a story.

  • Five reasons I believe in God:
    1. Creation and the universe we all live in
    2. The moral law we all possess
    3. The beauty we all observe
    4. The revelation of God we have received
    5. My personal experience with God