Radiant Church

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Dust Never Settles

In 2011, I was a school administrator at a local district and my wife worked as a stay at home mom, designer, and decorator. Life was going along just fine, and we even had dreams of my wife starting her own business soon. But in April of that year, I found out that due to budget cuts, myself, another administrator, and thirteen teachers would lose our jobs. Even as I write this out today, I can’t find the words to express how empty this made me feel. After all, I was the provider and the man of the house. 

At the same time, my wife had put the gears into motion to start a furniture consignment store in Kalamazoo. We had prayed about it for so long and truly felt led to continue with these plans despite the news of losing my job, knowing that God was going to use it somehow. We finally took the leap and opened an 11,000 square foot building with absolutely nothing. 

Time passed and I couldn’t find another administrator position and couldn’t afford to go back into the classroom, so we had to look elsewhere for work. Eventually a position opened up at a pre-printing press graphic arts facility, and while it paid a little less than what I was making before, God promised He would provide. I knew nothing about the industry, but worked hard to learn everything and help provide for my family as best as I could.

Fast forward five years and my wife’s store was now two stores! But it wasn’t long until we hit another speed bump, and I was once again told by my employer that my service was no longer needed. I had left home that morning with a job and was home by 11 am without one. Again. And on our daughters birthday. But instead of blaming God, instead of asking ‘why us’, we stopped and prayed. What was God trying to tell us? Through our roughest moments, we leaned into Him and not away from him, trying to decipher where He was leading us.

Instead of looking for another printing or administrator position, I decided to get my Real Estate license. We figured we could use the items from our store to stage homes for free, and my wife would have fun with all the decorating. Our motto became "Trust Jesus and work hard", and that is exactly what we did.

During this time, Pastor Lee was in the middle of a series called "Fearless". One particular Sunday his sermon was on how God gave us a spirit of strength and power. I can tell you exactly where we were sitting because it was like he was staring straight at me as he gave the message. As Pastor Lee spoke, I had tears coming down my face and my wife was clutching my hand. God was talking and we were listening! It was as if He was finally giving us answers to all our questions over the past few hard years. He was telling us that He had given us strength, power, and resiliency through His love and sacrifice. With Him, we could overcome any obstacle!

The transition to working as a realtor was a struggle, and at times life got seriously hard. But we always tithed, even when there wasn't much to give. And most importantly, we prayed and prayed and still pray! My wife’s store, Kalamazoo Kitty, went from two stores back to one. But that one store feels truly blessed by God, and we know that this is how He wants it. The first year I was a realtor, I made just as much as I did at my last job. And the next year, my earnings doubled and have increased every year for the past five years. We finally feel as though we have nestled right into God’s plan for our lives!

Today, when someone asks me how I progressed so quickly as a realtor, or why my family is so joyful, I simply tell them that dust never settles on my Bible, we give all the glory to Jesus Christ, and we trust Jesus and work hard.

Do you feel your story can serve as a hope and inspiration to others? Contact us at mystory@radiant.church.