Radiant Church

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Wake Up Call

On Wednesday, December 12, 2018, I woke up with an IV in each arm, my mom on the left side of me, and a police officer in the right corner of the hospital room. I remember my exact thought before any words came out of my mouth: “What have I gotten myself into now?”

I grew up talking to God like He was my best friend. I took all my worries to Him and would tell Him my biggest dreams. In high school, I decided to take the next step and get baptized by my Pastor. I knew that I was making the public declaration of my faith in Jesus Christ. 

In the fall of 2015 as I transitioned into college at WMU, I was introduced to new friends and a new romantic relationship. Looking back, I realize I kept God hidden. I wasn’t ashamed of Him, but I did not prioritize my relationship with Him or share the gospel with people I was meeting. I began attending parties and what we call ‘living for the world’. I spent the next three and a half years bouncing back and forth from the world and my relationship with God. 

Saturday and Tuesday nights in college at WMU were for the Library. The Library Kitchen & Taphouse bar, that is. Half-off drinks and a good time with friends.

On December 8 of 2018, I started a conversation with a bouncer who was keeping an eye out for the female bartenders. We talked about how busy it could get on Saturday nights and I told him he had an intimidating look to him, but I could tell he was a nice guy. He said being a bouncer he saw it all and he wasn’t afraid to do what needed to be done. But he ended the conversation telling me if I ever needed anything, to just let him know and I simply thanked him and walked away with my drink. Little did I know that my conversation with this bouncer was a foreshadow to what would be a life altering wake up call. 

The next Tuesday I headed back to the Library to celebrate the last week of fall semester. My roommates and I were excited to throw back shots and enjoy our Tuesday night before final exams. We got to the bar around 9:00pm and the last thing I remember was a friendly, familiar face. An old friend who I had known since elementary school. He and I cheered to the many years of friendship and then that was it. Next thing I know, I’m waking up in a hospital bed with my mom (who drove two hours to be by my side) and the police officer.

The details of that night were all filled in by the bouncer I had met that previous Saturday night. I owed this bouncer so much, he essentially saved me from a much scarier outcome, and I believe that God orchestrated our initial meeting. According to him, I was with unfamiliar guys the bouncer didn’t think I knew, and those two guys tried getting me in their uber with them, but the bouncer told them that wouldn’t be happening, and he’d be showing me home instead. The guys gave the bouncer a hard time, and he kicked them out of the bar. There are more details of this night, but in the end, the bouncer helped get me to the hospital for hydration and the medical attention I needed. 

Sunday night came and my mom was preparing to go back home. Before leaving she laid her hands on my head and prayed over me. I could tell she was being careful of how she disciplined me and really watched the words she used. Right before she left to go back home, she told me she loved me and was trusting in the power of her prayers that God would handle it from here.

I struggled over the next few months; I was ashamed of my mistakes and had a very hard time coming to terms with the story I was writing for myself. I knew that I needed to turn to my Father and ask for forgiveness and help. I began praying for God to have His way and show me how I could turn things around for myself. One day, my coworker who had a little understanding of what I was going through personally, sent me a YouTube video of a pastor speaking on the Battle of being a Christian. This pastor touched on topics that my heart needed to hear and understand. After the third sermon in Pastor Lee’s Battle Series, I began attending and listening to all of Pastor Lee and Pastor Jon’s old sermons. God laid it on my heart that Radiant was the church that I would now call home. 

I began to face every mistake head on, but this time with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. I began to feel peace in my storm. I began to smile at life again even though things were still hard. I was beginning to see change right before my eyes and it was because I was allowing time for the Holy Spirit to take His rightful place in my heart. I was experiencing God’s love to a whole new degree. I was beginning to feel truly happy and truly loved.

My life went from one extreme to the next and in all honesty, as hard as I thought it would be to let go of all the pain, I could feel God’s hand on my fist allowing me to release my grip on everything I was trying so hard to control. Some days were more difficult than others, but I kept trusting God to carry me through my storm because I knew and experienced that I could not do it on my own. 

Submitting my entire life to the man who died for me was the absolute best decision I ever made. Deciding to pick up my cross and live my everyday life, completely for Jesus is the reason I’m able to write this message with the biggest smile on my face and complete contentment in my heart for where my life is headed. His plans for me will only make me prosper. I will never be alone again.

Do you feel your story can serve as a hope and inspiration to others? Contact us at mystory@radiant.church.