Radiant Church

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On the phone, waiting to cancel her routine doctor’s appointment, Mandy felt safe. In that moment she was comfortable, content, with nothing to fear. But as the elevator music played and she waited on hold, she felt uneasy. Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard a faint voice saying, “Keep your appointment. Just do this last one.”

Two weeks later Mandy found herself in the oncologists’ office, the doctor’s words echoing in her head: Aggressive. Rapidly growing. Cancer. In shock and disbelief, fear began to set in.

Earlier that month Radiant had started a new Community Group series, Breakthrough. As Mandy read through the first few chapters, it seemed as though the book was written for her.

When Mandy read those words she knew that God had a plan for her, and that she was ready to trust Him. She knew that the hope of her breakthrough would be found in drawing close to God. Mandy cried out to God in prayer, asking Him to fill her with His Spirit, to grant her hope, and give her the strength to keep going. Despite the worry, anger, and hopelessness, Mandy knew that this was the place God wanted her to be.

After days of praying and grieving, Mandy finally picked herself up off the ground and returned to her normal routine. That night she was scheduled to serve at the Radiant Portage Cafe during an evening Seek Gathering, and as she walked through the church doors she instantly knew that this was the place that she needed to be. After spending time in worship, Mandy felt led to seek prayer. While she was searching for someone to pray for her, Mandy unexpectedly ran into Pastor Lee and Jane Cummings. Together they prayed over her, and declared healing in her body.

Two days later, Mandy’s MRI results came back. Expecting to see tumors and lesions spread throughout her lymph nodes, Mandy and her doctor were amazed to discover that the cancer had not spread, and that there was only one small area of cancerous cells left! After just one surgery, all signs of disease were completely eradicated from her body.

Mandy received her miraculous breakthrough.

During what was the darkest challenge of her life, Mandy discovered that her trial wasn’t an obstacle keeping her from God; it was an opportunity to draw closer to Him. The pain and difficulty of her situation gave way to courage in the face of fear, cultivated patience, strengthened her faith, and led to her breakthrough.