Prayer Room

Located in the Heart of Downtown Kalamazoo


Monday: 7:00AM + 12:00PM + 7:00PM

Tuesday: 7:00AM + 12:00PM + 7:00PM

Wednesday: 7:00AM + 12:00PM

Thursday: 7:00AM + 12:00PM

At Radiant Church, we believe that we are, first and foremost, a house of Prayer. Jesus declared in the Gospels, “My House will be called a House of Prayer for all Nations.” In the Book of Acts, the Holy Spirit responded to the fervent prayers of the first disciples, and church history shows that God responds to His praying people with greater measures of His intimate presence and transformative power. John Wesley also said, “God does nothing but in answer to prayer.”

Our vision at Radiant Church is to be a Praying and Worshiping Church that relentlessly leads people to become fully formed disciples of Jesus Christ. This conviction shapes our personal prayer lives, our leadership of families, and the vision and strategy of our corporate gatherings. In the heart of Kalamazoo, we are calling God’s people to host His presence on the corporate altar of Radiant Church through prayer and worship.

No matter where you are in your walk with God, we invite you to join us in the Radiant City Center Prayer Room. Let’s seek the Lord together and pursue His renewal for our city and revival for our generation.

Prayer Meeting Information

Monday: 7:00AM + 12:00PM + 7:00PM
Tuesday: 7:00AM + 12:00PM + 7:00PM
Wednesday: 7:00AM + 12:00PM
Thursday: 7:00AM + 12:00PM

Doorkeepers will be at the Farmers Alley entrance fifteen minutes before/after the start time to let guests in. Please note that childcare is not provided, but families are encouraged to attend and pray together.

Prayer Room at Radiant City Center
210 Farmers Alley Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Parking Information:
We suggest parking at
Epic Center Parking Ramp & Kalamazoo Mall Parking Ramp

Morning Prayer will be available online on Wednesdays at 7:00AM

Meet the Radiant Prayer Room Team!

  • Zach Dillon

    Pastor of Prayer

  • Isaac Myers

    Prayer Room Worship Coordinator

  • Kelly Wilson

    Prayer Coordinator