Iglesia Radiante - Edgar & Erika Gomez

Guadalajara, Mexico

Edgar and Erika Gomez are deeply passionate about seeing people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and seeing His Church thrive, worldwide. They and their three children (Gabriel, Aliana & Caleb) are excited to answer God’s call to help build, equip and encourage the local church in the city of Guadalajara, and throughout Mexico. Their ministry focuses are church planting, evangelism, mobilization, and discipleship. As they are committed to seeing followers of Christ be mobilized to impact their community, their nation, and the world with God’s love and compassion.

ORGANIZATION: Iglesia Radiante
LOCATION: Guadalajara, Mexico
MINISTRY FOCUS: Church Planting/Evangelism/Mobilization/Discipleship
WEBSITE: cten.org/missionary/edgargomez
SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook / Instagram

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for God to add strong leaders to their team

  2. Pray for God to give them wisdom and vision for His church in Guadalajara

  3. Pray that many would come to a personal relationship with Jesus!


Christ for India - Brother Abraham


Global Outreach Ministries - John & Karla Vereecken