Take Your Next Step

During Vision Sunday services, we celebrated all that God has accomplished, aligned our hearts with Radiant’s vision, and calibrated ourselves for the exciting next season our church is entering.

Scroll down to discover ways for you to take your next step.

Church Membership

Be Radiant Class
Sunday, February 2

Discover what it means to become a fully-formed disciple as a member of Radiant Church and explore how to root yourself in community to grow and serve.


Prayer at the Radiant City Center
10 Prayer Meetings Every Week

In the heart of Kalamazoo, we are calling God’s people to host His presence on the corporate altar of Radiant Church through prayer and worship.

Find Community

Spring Radiant Groups
Coming Soon

Get connected in a Group designed for every individual to grow in their relationship with God and fellow believers.

Take the Next Step in Walking out Your Faith

Radiant School of Ministry Part-Time
Term Begins Monday, November 18

Grow through Spirit and Truth-filled classes taught by Radiant Pastors and experienced leaders while you gain community with fellow believers who are pursuing God together.

Participate in God’s Global Purpose

Kingdom Builders Explore Class
Next Class Begins Thursday, February 20

In this in-depth scriptural study of the Great Commission from Genesis to Revelation, discover how you can participate in God’s global purpose, no matter your location or vocation.

Make the Decision to be Water Baptized

Water Baptisms at Sunday Services
Sunday, January 19

Being water baptized is the outward proclamation of a decision to follow Jesus! If you are a Christian but have never been water baptized, consider this the next step in your journey.