Sermon Library

We invite you to explore our entire collection of weekend service teachings. Here, you will be able to access all of our past sermon series videos, guest speaker videos, and current series videos.    

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YouTube Channel

On this channel, you'll discover our library full of past weekend services, prayer meetings, sermons, worship moments, teaching moments, and more.

Livestream Schedule

Monday - Thursday | 7:00AM ET
Sunday | 9:00AM + 11:00AM ET


Weekend Sermons Podcast

This is the weekly sermon podcast for Radiant Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Subscribe today on Apple or Spotify Podcasts.

Spirit + Truth Podcast

Spirit + Truth is a podcast that focuses on the intersection of scripture, theology, culture, and the work & power of the Holy Spirit.

Subscribe today on Apple or Spotify Podcasts.

Radiant is filled with stories from people just like you that have experienced God's faithfulness. We celebrate how God has taken our hopeless situations and crafted them into beautiful testimonies of His power, provision, and love.

3-Minute Church Blog

Couldn't make it to Sunday service? Read a 3-minute recap on our blog below!