3-Minute Church: Trusting God in the Waiting
This blog unpacks Pastor Lee Cummings’ Sermon from December 1, 2024
Have you ever felt like God wasn't answering a prayer you were waiting on? We've all been there, and it's not easy.
Life is an ever-continuous season of waiting:
Waiting for an unanswered prayer.
Waiting for a sign to make the right decision.
Waiting for healing of an incurable disease.
Waiting for hope when all seems lost.
No matter what stage of life we are in, there is a sense of waiting that we can all relate to in some sense.
But what if the waiting wasn't a delayed response but an opportunity for us to respond to the Lord?
What if our waiting season is actually a period of growth and not a period of stagnancy?
What if…
God's timing is perfect, even when it feels delayed.
In the first chapter of Luke, we learn about the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth. They were described as "righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord," yet they had carried the burden of infertility for years. After all hope was lost in their old age, the angel Gabriel told them that they would give birth to a son. Elizabeth gave birth to a son, John, who would later become John the Baptist.
Zechariah and Elizabeth were faithful to the Lord's promises, and their season of waiting resulted in fruitfulness and a strengthened relationship with their Father. John the Baptist became a significant part of Jesus' ministry on Earth, and He was prolific in preparing people's hearts for Eternity.
What started as a season of waiting became a season of fruitfulness.
How many of us can relate to their experience?
Sometimes, it feels as though we serve God faithfully and follow His commands to the best of our ability, yet we face circumstances that seem to contradict His promises for our lives.
The reality is there will be seasons and situations in all our lives where we simply won't understand why we're going through what we're going through.
The whispers of doubt creep in: "What did I do wrong? God, where are you? I thought you cared. I thought you were good." We feel isolated—as if we're the only ones experiencing such trials while the rest of the world moves on unaffected.
But here's the truth: We are not alone in our season of waiting. God's timing is perfect, even when we feel abandoned or delayed.
Our limited perspective can cause us to see God as less perfect than He truly is when our timing doesn't align with His. We must remember that God moves not in perfect alignment with our ideal timing but in perfect alignment with His greater purpose.
This realization should bring us comfort in our seasons of waiting. What seems like a delay to us might be God orchestrating countless details to bring about a greater good than we could ever imagine. Our lives are threads in a magnificent tapestry that God is weaving for His glory.
Even when our faith wavers, God remains faithful.
So, how do we trust God in our waiting?
We must guard our hearts, ensuring God's promises remain louder than our doubts and fears.
While earthly influences might try to condemn our thoughts with trust issues, we must remember that His promises are good, and the world cannot steal our hope.
Elizabeth's response to her miraculous pregnancy offers a beautiful example: She "hid herself for five months," overwhelmed by God's mercy and faithfulness. Sometimes, amid our waiting, we need to create space for His work to take root in our lives before sharing it with the world.
It's in our hidden moments that we build intimacy with the Lord.
For every night of weeping, God has ordered a morning of laughter.
Whatever difficult season you might be enduring, remember that you are not alone. Life constantly challenges us to wait, whether intricately small or enormously challenging. Our response to the waiting, however, propels us through it.
The key isn't to have perfect faith but a little faith in a perfect God.
Tap to watch Pastor Lee Cummings' full sermon on Youtube.
Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:
Day 1: Trusting God in the Waiting
Reading: Luke 1:5-25
Devotional: Zechariah and Elizabeth's story reminds us that God's timing is perfect, even when it feels delayed to us. Their years of waiting for a child weren't wasted; they were preparation for a greater purpose. As you face your own seasons of waiting, remember that God is weaving a tapestry in your life, even when you can't see the full picture. Today, reflect on areas where you're waiting on God. How might He be working behind the scenes? Ask for the strength to trust His timing and purpose, even when it's difficult to understand.
Day 2: Faith in the Face of Doubt
Reading: Mark 9:14-29
Devotional: The father's cry, "I believe; help my unbelief!" resonates with our own struggles of faith. Like Zechariah questioning the angel, we often waver between belief and doubt. Yet God's faithfulness isn't dependent on the strength of our faith. Today, be honest with God about your doubts and struggles. Remember that even a small amount of faith in a perfect God is powerful. Ask Him to strengthen your faith and help you trust Him more fully, especially in areas where you feel uncertain.
Day 3: God's Mercy in Our Limitations
Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Devotional: Elizabeth's pregnancy in her old age demonstrates God's power to work beyond human limitations. Paul's thorn in the flesh reminds us that God's grace is sufficient in our weaknesses. Where do you feel limited or inadequate? Today, instead of focusing on your shortcomings, consider how God might use them to display His power and grace. Thank Him for being strong when you are weak, and ask for eyes to see how He might work through your limitations.
Day 4: Preparing the Way
Reading: Isaiah 40:3-5
Devotional: John the Baptist's role was to prepare the way for Jesus. Similarly, our lives can point others to Christ. Reflect on how God might be using your circumstances, even difficult ones, to prepare you or others for a greater purpose. How can you be more intentional about preparing the way for others to encounter Jesus? Ask God to use your life as a testimony of His grace and to help you recognize opportunities to point others to Him.
Day 5: Joy in God's Faithfulness
Reading: Psalm 30
Devotional: Zechariah and Elizabeth's story ends in joy and praise for God's faithfulness. Psalm 30 reminds us that joy comes after seasons of weeping. As you reflect on your own life, can you identify times when God has turned your mourning into dancing? Even if you're currently in a difficult season, hold onto the promise that joy will come. Today, practice gratitude by listing specific ways God has been faithful to you. Let this fuel your hope for the future and strengthen your trust in His ongoing work in your life.