Setting Things in Order
Setting Things in Order
Speaker: Pastor Lee Cummings
Date: March 23, 2025
Did you know you are called to ministry? Jesus gave the Church five ministry gifts—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers—not to do all the work but to equip the body of Christ. Join Pastor Lee Cummings as he unpacks how every believer has a role in God’s kingdom. Don't miss this powerful teaching!
Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:
Day 1: The Church as God's Household
Reading: Ephesians 2:19–22
Devotional: As we reflect on Paul's words to the Ephesians, we're reminded that the church is not just an organization but a living organism—God's household. Each of us has a unique place and purpose within this spiritual family. Today, consider your role in God's household. How are you contributing to its growth and health? Ask God to reveal ways you can use your gifts to strengthen His church and draw others into His family.
Day 2: Equipped for Service
Reading: Ephesians 4:11–16
Devotional: God has gifted His church with leaders to equip us for service. Whether you identify as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher, or simply as a faithful member of the body, you have a vital role to play. Reflect on the gifts and talents God has given you. How can you use these to build up the church and serve others? Pray for guidance in discovering and developing your spiritual gifts for the benefit of God's kingdom.
Day 3: Unity in Diversity
Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12–27
Devotional: The body of Christ is beautifully diverse yet unified under the headship of Jesus. Each member, though different, is essential for the proper functioning of the whole. Today, celebrate the diversity within your local church and the global body of Christ. How can you promote unity while appreciating the unique contributions of others? Ask God to help you see His image in every believer and to work towards greater harmony in His church.
Day 4: Leadership and Service
Reading: Mark 10:42–45
Devotional: Jesus redefined leadership as service, setting an example for all who would follow Him. In the church, leadership is not about power or control but about sacrificial love and care for others. Reflect on your own approach to leadership and service. Are there areas where you need to adopt a more Christ-like attitude? Pray for humility and a servant's heart in all your interactions within the church community.
Day 5: Building on the Right Foundation
Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:10–15
Devotional: As members of God's household, we're called to build on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Our works and contributions to the church will be tested, revealing what truly lasts. Today, examine the motivations behind your service in the church. Are you building with materials that will endure - faith, hope, and love? Ask God to purify your intentions and to help you invest in what has eternal value, both in your personal life and in your service to His church.