Created to Thrive
Created to Thrive
Speaker: Pastor Lee Cummings
Date: March 9, 2025
Are you planted or potted? Planted believers thrive in community with fellow believers, where they grow and serve in the local church. However, many believers are potted, moving from one spiritual experience to another without putting down roots. Pastor Lee Cummings encourages us to step into the environment God has cultivated for us: the Household of God.
Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:
Day 1: Created to Thrive
Reading: Psalm 92:12–15, Genesis 1:26–28
Devotional: God created us with a specific purpose—to thrive in His presence. Just as a palm tree flourishes when planted in the right environment, we are designed to grow and bear fruit when rooted in God's house. Today, reflect on how you are currently "planted" in your spiritual life. Are you merely potted, able to be moved at will, or deeply rooted in God's presence and community? Consider what steps you can take to sink your roots deeper into God's house and presence. Remember, you were created for more than survival; you were created to thrive.
Day 2: Bearing God's Image
Reading: Genesis 1:26–27, 2 Corinthians 3:18
Devotional: We are uniquely created in God's image, designed to reflect His character to the world around us. Though sin has distorted this image, through Christ, we are being transformed back into His likeness. Today, consider how you are reflecting God's image in your daily life. Are there areas where you need to allow the Holy Spirit to work on you, reshaping you to better reflect Christ? Ask God to show you one specific way you can better bear His image today, whether through an act of kindness, speaking truth, or demonstrating patience.
Day 3: Walking in Divine Authority
Reading: Matthew 28:18–20, Ephesians 2:4–10
Devotional: God has delegated authority to His children, calling us to have dominion and to make disciples. This authority was lost in Eden but was restored through Christ. How are you exercising the spiritual authority God has given you? Are you actively engaging in the Great Commission, or have you become passive? Today, pray for opportunities to exercise your God-given authority in spreading His kingdom. Look for ways to influence your sphere of influence for Christ, remembering that your authority comes from Him.
Day 4: Fruitfulness in Every Season
Reading: John 15:1–8, Galatians 5:22–23
Devotional: God calls us to be fruitful in every season of life, including our "old age." This fruitfulness isn't just about physical reproduction but spiritual multiplication—discipleship, using our gifts, and leaving a godly legacy. Reflect on your current season of life. Are you bearing the fruit of the Spirit? Are you multiplying what God has given you by pouring it into others? Ask God to show you areas where you can increase your fruitfulness, regardless of your age or circumstances. Remember, when we abide in Christ, fruitfulness is not just possible—it's promised.
Day 5: Planted in God's Presence
Reading: Psalm 27:4–6, Hebrews 10:19–25
Devotional: The ultimate environment for our spiritual growth is God's presence, manifested powerfully in the local church. Just as a fish thrives in water and a bird in the air, we are designed to flourish in God's house. How committed are you to being planted in a local church community? Are you merely attending, or are you deeply rooted, serving, giving, and growing? Today, evaluate your level of commitment to your local church. Ask God to help you move from being "potted" to being "planted," intertwining your roots with fellow believers for mutual support and growth. Remember, it's in this environment that we find the nutrients needed to reach our full potential in Christ.