The Revelation that Changes Everything

The Revelation that Changes Everything

Speaker: Pastor Lee Cummings
Date: March 2, 2025

God's Presence exists everywhere, but we have to have eyes to see beyond the natural. Pastor Lee Cummings reminds us of the transformational revelation of God's omnipresence. When we enter into heartfelt worship, pour our anointed oil on the church, and seek His daily bread, the atmosphere changes.

Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:

Day 1: Recognizing God's Presence

Reading: Genesis 28:10–22

Devotional: Jacob's encounter at Bethel reminds us that God is often present in unexpected places and moments. Like Jacob, we may find ourselves in spiritual "wilderness" experiences, feeling alone or lost. Yet it's precisely in these moments that God can reveal Himself most powerfully. Today, reflect on times when you've unexpectedly encountered God's presence. How might you cultivate a greater awareness of His presence in your daily life? Ask God to open your spiritual eyes to see Him at work around you, even in seemingly ordinary circumstances.

Day 2: The Church as God's House

Reading: 1 Peter 2:4–10

Devotional: Peter describes believers as "living stones" being built into a spiritual house. This echoes Jacob's revelation of Bethel as the "house of God." The church is not merely a building or organization but a living, breathing organism where God dwells among His people. Consider your role in this spiritual house. What unique gifts or "oil" has God given you to contribute? How can you more fully pour out your gifts in service to God's house? Pray for a renewed commitment to your local church and for wisdom in how to best serve and build up the body of Christ.

Day 3: Worship as a Gateway to Heaven

Reading: Psalm 100

Devotional: Jacob declared Bethel to be the "gate of heaven." Our worship can similarly create an atmosphere where heaven and earth intersect. Genuine praise and thanksgiving open spiritual gateways, allowing God's presence to flow more freely. Reflect on your approach to worship. Is it merely a routine, or do you enter with the expectation of encountering God? Challenge yourself to worship with renewed passion and focus, recognizing that your praise can usher in God's presence not just for yourself but for others around you.

Day 4: Covenant Commitment

Reading: Joshua 24:14–28

Devotional: Jacob made a vow to God at Bethel, setting up a stone pillar as a marker of his commitment. Joshua similarly called the Israelites to choose whom they would serve, setting up a stone as a witness. What "pillars" or commitments have you made in your spiritual life? Are there areas where you need to renew your covenant with God? Consider writing down a fresh commitment to God today, perhaps in an area where you've been struggling. Ask for His grace to empower you to live out this commitment.

Day 5: Stewardship and Tithing

Reading: Malachi 3:8–12

Devotional: Jacob vowed to give God a tenth of all he received, recognizing God as the source of his blessings. Tithing is more than a financial transaction; it's a heart posture that acknowledges God's provision and our trust in Him. Reflect on your own approach to giving. Do you view it as an obligation, or as a joyful response to God's goodness? Challenge yourself to give not just of your finances, but of your time and talents as well. Ask God to help you cultivate a generous spirit in all areas of your life, trusting Him to provide for your needs.


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