SEEK: Spiritual Hunger & Desperation

SEEK: Spiritual Hunger & Desperation

Speaker: Pastor Corey Russell
Date: January 5, 2025

Join us as Corey Russell kicks off SEEK 2025, a dedicated 21-day journey of fasting and prayer to realign our hearts with God. In this message, Corey Russell prompts us to lean into the gift of spiritual hunger. When we begin to touch spiritual bankruptcy, we begin to experience Heaven's blessing. Our existence attracts His omnipresence, but our hunger attracts His manifest presence.

Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:

Day 1: Hungering for God's Presence

Reading: Isaiah 66:1-2, Matthew 5:3-6

Devotional: In Isaiah 66, God declares that He looks favorably on those who are "poor and of a contrite spirit." This theme is echoed in Jesus' Beatitudes, where He blesses the "poor in spirit" and those who "hunger and thirst for righteousness." Today, reflect on your spiritual hunger. Are you aware of your deep need for God? In our comfort-driven world, it's easy to lose touch with our spiritual poverty. Ask God to awaken a holy hunger in you - a desperate longing for His presence that surpasses all earthly comforts. Remember, it's not in our self-sufficiency but in our recognized need that we find true blessing and satisfaction in God.

Day 2: The Power of Persistent Faith

Reading: Mark 10:46-52

Devotional: Blind Bartimaeus's story is a powerful illustration of persistent faith. Despite attempts to silence him, Bartimaeus cried out even louder for Jesus' mercy. His determination broke through social barriers and caught Jesus' attention. How often do we give up in prayer when we don't see immediate results? Bartimaeus teaches us that sometimes, the breakthrough comes through persistent crying out to God. Today, consider an area in your life where you need God's intervention. Commit to crying out to Him with renewed persistence, refusing to be silenced by doubt or discouragement. Remember, Jesus stands still for those who desperately seek Him.

Day 3: Finding Rest in Christ

Reading: Matthew 11:28-30

Devotional: Jesus offers a profound invitation: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." This rest goes beyond physical relaxation; it's a deep, soul-level peace that comes from surrendering our burdens to Christ. Reflect on the things that weigh you down - ambitions, worries, past hurts, or the constant striving for more. Jesus invites us to exchange these burdens for His yoke, which He describes as "easy" and "light." Today, practice consciously handing over your concerns to Jesus. As you do, ask Him to fill you with His gentleness and humility, allowing His peace to permeate your inner being.

Day 4: Embracing Spiritual Poverty

Reading: Luke 18:9-14

Devotional: The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector illustrates the power of recognizing our spiritual poverty. While the Pharisee boasted of his righteousness, the tax collector simply pleaded, "God, have mercy on me, a sinner." This humble acknowledgment of need is what Jesus calls "blessed" in the Beatitudes. Today, examine your heart. Are there areas where you're relying on your own goodness or achievements? Practice the tax collector's prayer, acknowledging your complete dependence on God's grace. Remember, it's not our perfection but our recognition of imperfection that draws us closer to God's heart.

Day 5: Persevering Through Divine Silence

Reading: Matthew 15:21-28

Devotional: The Canaanite woman's encounter with Jesus is a challenging yet inspiring account of faith persevering through apparent rejection. Despite Jesus' initial silence and seeming dismissal, the woman's determination and humility ultimately led to her daughter's healing. Sometimes in our spiritual journey, we may feel that God is silent or even rejecting our pleas. This story encourages us to press on, to worship even when we don't understand, and to humbly persist in faith. Today, if you're facing a situation where God seems silent, choose to worship. Declare your trust in His goodness, even when circumstances suggest otherwise. Remember, great faith often grows in the soil of perseverance through trials.


SEEK: The Horn of Hunger


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