3-Minute Church: The Greatest Gift Ever Given

This blog unpacks Pastor Nathan Schaffner’s Sermon from December 22, 2024

“Your yes to Jesus can lead your kids to give their yes to Jesus.”

Pastor Nathan Schaffner

Church attendance should be a priority, not an option.


As we approach the holiday season, our thoughts often turn to gifts—both giving and receiving. While our Christmas season is primarily centered around material presents, there’s a far more precious gift we can offer to our children, family, friends, and God Himself.

This gift isn't wrapped in shiny paper or adorned with bows.

This gift isn’t delivered via North Pole mail or down a chimney.

This gift isn’t fleeting—here one day and gone the next.

This gift is eternal: a life fully committed to Jesus Christ.

This "yes" to Jesus is the greatest gift we can give, but what does this look like in practical terms?

  1. Offering a Lifestyle of Worship

    Worship isn't confined to Sunday morning sermons, 30 minutes of worship, or one day of prayer; it's about how we live our lives daily. For parents, this means modeling a life of devotion to God for our children. Kids are incredibly perceptive—they see and hear everything. When we experience circumstances that shake our lives, do our children see us turning to God in praise and trust, or do they witness frustration and anger? Even in the mundane, ordinary moments of everyday life, are we teaching our children about praise? We exist to praise the Lord with every fiber of our being—not only when life is hard but when life is simple.

    Can our children hear our worship through the noise? Is our devotion to God clear and unmistakable?

  2. Prioritizing Our Involvement in His church

    Being part of a local church isn't just about attending services when it's convenient; it's about being deeply rooted in a community of believers. Many families have non-negotiables—things like school attendance, brushing teeth, or participating in sports. But how often is church attendance treated as optional? When we prioritize our involvement in church, we give our children the gift of God’s presence, power, and people.

    Bringing our children into the house of God with intention shows them that our faith isn’t just a Sunday morning activity. It’s actually what we were designed to do.

  3. Surrendering our lives fully to Him

    Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, giving our "yes" to Jesus means surrendering to His obedience. Surrender isn't always easy, and it often requires faith in the face of uncertainty. When we feel inadequate as parents, unsure of how to navigate the challenges of raising children in today's world, we can lean on this promise: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you" (Luke 1:35).

    This promise that the Holy Spirit that empowered Mary is available to us and ready to give us strength beyond our capabilities.


It echoes for generations to come and has a ripple effect even after we return to our Heavenly home.

Our commitment to Jesus allows our children to experience a real encounter with the Lord Jesus.

Our commitment to Jesus pours out favor on their children’s children.

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 provides a beautiful picture of what this can look like: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down, and when you get up."

This Christmas season, we are challenged to reevaluate the value we have placed on its meaning.

Are we finding our treasure in physical presents, or are we resting in the eternal gift of the Spirit?

Tap to watch Pastor Nathan Schaffner’s full sermon on YouTube.


Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:

Day 1: The Gift of God's Love

Reading: Luke 1:26-38

Devotional: As we reflect on the story of Mary, we see God's incredible love in action. He chose a humble young woman to bear His Son, demonstrating that His love reaches everyone, regardless of status or background. Mary's response, "Let it be to me according to your word," shows us the power of saying 'yes' to God. Today, consider how you can respond to God's love with your own 'yes.' What areas of your life are you holding back from Him? How can you open your heart more fully to His love and guidance?

Day 2: Faith in the Face of Uncertainty

Reading: Hebrews 11:1-6

Devotional: Faith is the foundation of our relationship with God. Mary demonstrated remarkable faith when she accepted God's plan, despite the uncertainty and potential social consequences. In our own lives, we often face situations that challenge our faith. Remember that God's power can overshadow our doubts and fears, just as it did for Mary. Reflect on a current challenge in your life. How can you exercise faith in this situation? Ask God to strengthen your trust in Him, even when the path ahead seems unclear.

Day 3: The Gift of Salvation

Reading: Romans 10:9-13

Devotional: Salvation is the greatest gift we can receive and share. The pastor's story about his daughter accepting Christ reminds us that even children can understand and embrace this gift. No matter our age or background, saying 'yes' to Jesus transforms our lives. Today, take time to reflect on your own salvation story. If you haven't yet accepted Christ, consider what's holding you back. If you're a believer, think about how you can share this gift with others. How can you make your 'yes' to Jesus evident in your daily life?

Day 4: Hope in God's Promises

Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31

Devotional: In times of difficulty, we can find hope in God's promises. The transcription reminds us that "nothing is impossible with God." This truth can sustain us through life's challenges, just as it did for Mary. When we feel overwhelmed or inadequate, we can trust in God's strength and wisdom. Reflect on a situation where you need hope. How can you apply God's promises to this circumstance? Ask Him to renew your strength and give you a fresh perspective on your challenges.

Day 5: God's Presence in Our Worship

Reading: Psalm 96:1-9

Devotional: Our worship is a powerful gift we can offer to God and model for others. The story of Christians singing praises even in the face of persecution reminds us of the strength found in worship. In our daily lives, our attitudes and responses to difficulties can be acts of worship that point others to God. Consider how you respond to challenges. Does your 'song' of worship pierce through the noise of life's difficulties? Today, choose to worship God in both the mundane and challenging moments. Let your life be a testament to His goodness and faithfulness.


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