3-Minute Church: What Are You Hungry For?

This blog unpacks Pastor Lee Cummings’ Sermon from January 12, 2025

“Calling's not just for those in full-time vocational ministry; it's all of us. Do you know that God has called you? And it's not just to show up to church.”

Pastor Lee Cummings

Nothing else in the world can satisfy our hunger other than the name of Jesus.


We live in a Western culture that promotes success as prominent wealth, high status, and pleasure that self-satisfies. But what if we’re missing the big picture? What if none of these can fill the void that aches deep inside us?

Many of us share the spirit of Saul, who later became Paul. Saul had everything the world deemed valuable: an impressive pedigree, top-notch education, religious zeal, and a promising career. He was the epitome of success in his culture. Does this sound familiar to today’s culture? Then something extraordinary happened: Saul encountered Jesus.

In a blinding flash of light on the road to Damascus, Jesus revealed himself to Saul. Everything Saul thought he knew and valued vanished, and his entire perspective changed in an instant. The things he once pursued with passion suddenly seemed worthless compared to knowing Christ.

Paul writes in Philippians 3:7-8: "But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."

What if one encounter with the Lord could change our entire perspective? I think it’s easy to look at Paul with admiration but without action. We praise his ministry and transformation but find ourselves feeling unequivocal or uncalled. Sure, it’s a nice story. But, actually, implementing those changes in our own lives? Sometimes, it seems like a stretch.

The calling is not just for those in full-time vocational ministry; it's for all of us. Do you know that God has called you? And it's not just to show up to church.

Many of us face the challenge of knowing about Jesus without truly knowing Him personally. It's possible to go through religious motions, attend services, and even serve in ministry without experiencing the life-changing power of a genuine encounter with Christ. This is why Paul weeps over those who "walk as enemies of the cross of Christ" (Philippians 3:18)—people who outwardly appear religious but whose hearts are far from God.

So, how do we cultivate a hunger for God that surpasses all other appetites? It starts with recognizing that we need a Savior and fully surrendering our lives to Christ. This means laying down our old ambitions, idols, and pursuits that compete for our attention. It requires willing suffering, taking up our cross daily, and walking with Jesus.

This shift in appetite doesn't happen overnight. But when we fix our eyes on Jesus and pursue intimacy with Him, our tastes will change.

Things that once captivated us will lose their appeal.

Circumstances that once shook us will no longer break our firm foundation.

Our lives will become a testimony to the transforming power of the Gospel.

The invitation stands for each of us today: What are you truly hungry for?

Tap to watch Pastor Lee Cummings' full sermon on Youtube.


Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:

Day 1: Encountering the Living Christ

Reading: Acts 9:1-19

Devotional: Saul's dramatic encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus changed everything. Like Saul, we too need our own "I am" moments - personal, transformative encounters with the living Christ. Today, reflect on times you've experienced God's presence in a powerful way. How did it change you? Ask God to reveal Himself afresh, opening your eyes to see Him in new ways. Be open to having your priorities and pursuits radically altered by an encounter with Jesus.

Day 2: Counting All as Loss

Reading: Philippians 3:7-11

Devotional: Paul came to view his impressive credentials and achievements as "rubbish" compared to knowing Christ. What things in your life compete for ultimate value? Success, wealth, reputation, relationships? While not inherently bad, these can become idols if we pursue them above Jesus. Today, take inventory of what you value most. Ask God to realign your heart, helping you treasure Christ above all else. Consider what you might need to "count as loss" to gain more of Christ.

Day 3: Pressing On Toward the Goal

Reading: Philippians 3:12-14

Devotional: Paul speaks of "forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead." The Christian life is one of continual growth and pressing on, not complacency. Where have you become stagnant in your faith? What past failures or successes are you dwelling on instead of moving forward? Today, ask God to renew your passion for pursuing Him. Set a specific spiritual goal to "strain toward" in the coming weeks. Remember, our ultimate prize is knowing Christ more fully.

Day 4: The Upward Call of God

Reading: Colossians 3:1-4

Devotional: We are called to set our minds on things above, not earthly things. This "upward call" challenges us to live with an eternal perspective. How often do you consider your heavenly citizenship? In what ways does your daily life reflect kingdom values? Today, intentionally focus on eternal realities. When facing decisions or challenges, ask, "How does this align with God's upward call?" Pray for grace to live as a citizen of heaven while still on earth.

Day 5: Finding Satisfaction in God's Will

Reading: John 4:31-34

Devotional: Jesus said His food was to do the will of the Father. Like Christ, we find our deepest satisfaction not in worldly pleasures but in aligning with God's purposes. What are you truly "hungry" for? How can you cultivate a greater appetite for God and His will? Today, practice seeing everyday tasks as opportunities to do God's will. Ask Him to increase your hunger for His presence and purposes. Remember, only Jesus can fully satisfy the deepest longings of your soul.


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