3-Minute Church: God’s Vision for a Spirit and Truth Church

This blog unpacks Pastor Lee Cummings’ Sermon from September 8, 2024

“A Spirit and Truth C

hurch preaches the Gospel like eternity depends on it. Because it does.”

Pastor Lee Cummings

On Radiant Church’s 28th anniversary, we had the honor to hear from Pastor Lee Cummings as he shared God’s vision for building a Spirit and Truth Church. While Radiant Church has always been a praying and worshipping church, the scope of a Spirit and Truth Church extends far beyond just us. God wants His people as an ENTIRE body to be a Spirit and Truth Church: every nation, tongue, and tribe.


In the Gospel of John, we encounter a pivotal Biblical moment: Jesus and the woman at the well. Jesus discovers a Samaritan woman ostracized by her community for her sinful nature, yet He asks her for a drink anyway. Jesus offers the woman "living water," symbolizing the spiritual fullness He provides. This directly contrasts the physical water from the well which only temporarily satisfies her thirst. Not only does Jesus break cultural norms by interacting with a woman, a Samaritan, and an adulterer, but He provides spiritual revelation for her.

Jesus redirects her focus to what truly matters: “The hour is coming and now is when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. For the Father is seeking such people to worship him” (John 4:23).

We live in a world that has so many interpretations as to what the Gospel is, its relevance, and how churches should be. There is a tension between what people think and what God’s Word says, yet Jesus tells us explicitly what He is looking for: what God wants.

God wants His people to worship Him with genuine hearts, led by the Holy Spirit, and grounded in the truth of His Word. Spirit and Truth.

What Does a Spirit and Truth Church Look Like?

1. Preaching the Gospel like Eternity Depends on it

Eternity hinges on the message of the Gospel. By proclaiming Jesus Christ boldly and clearly and recognizing that salvation is only found through Him, this urgency leaves no stone unturned. The stakes are high because eternity is at risk. Just like Jesus and the woman at the well, her revelation of who Jesus is changes when she realizes that His “living water” is the only one that will satisfy.

2. Worshiping from the Inside Out

Worship is more than a Sunday ritual. It’s a lifestyle. It’s seeking the Holy Spirit and His presence. God doesn’t want half-hearted praise just on Sundays; He wants a genuine connection with us that withstands every day of the week. Worship begins in personal, private moments that build intimacy with God, whether it’s spending time in prayer, bible study, or reflection. When we come to the revelation of who He is, this joy and praise then overflow into corporate worship.

3. Praying to Shake Hell and Move Heaven

A Spirit and Truth Church is a praying church, interceding to see God’s Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven. A Spirit and Truth Church preaches the Gospel like eternity depends on it. Prayers that shake hell have the power to offer deliverance from demonic oppression, break chains of addiction, and set captives free. Because of Jesus, we have authority to intercede and stand in the gap for others.

4. Pursuing the Fullness of the Holy Spirit's Presence

When Jesus tells us that He is looking for a people to worship in Spirit and truth, He is quite literal. Pursue the presence of the Holy Spirit! Pursuing the fullness of the Holy Spirit starts with a heart fully surrendered to God, ready to listen and invite His presence into the room. When we abandon empty rituals and focus directly on His presence, we build intimacy that is only possible through a relationship, not religion.

5. Equipping Every Member to Be a Minister

A Spirit and Truth Church equips every member to be a minister. A Church is a multi-membered living organism. It's not just an organization. When we say that Radiant Church is a praying and worshipping Church, we understand that we are just one moving part in the body of Christ. No part of the body is less significant than another, and all are necessary for the body to function properly. Everyone has God-given potential and is empowered to fulfill their unique role.

It’s easy to get caught up in personal preferences and cultural trends, but our primary question must always be, "What does God want for His church?"

The Church is not peripheral to the world. The world is peripheral to the Church.

The church is Christ's body in which He speaks and acts and by which He fills everything with His presence.

We're all called to not just go to church but to be the Church. Not merely a building or a place, but a people who preach the Gospel fervently, seek the presence of the Holy Spirit, and pray powerfully to move Heaven and shake Hell.

We are called to be a Spirit and Truth Church.

Tap to watch Pastor Lee Cummings' full sermon on Youtube.


Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:

Day 1: The True Church

Reading: John 4:5-26

Devotional: Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman reveals that true worship isn't about location or ritual, but about connecting with God in spirit and truth. As we seek to be part of the "Spirit and Truth Church," let's reflect on our own worship. Are we more concerned with outward appearances or inward authenticity? Today, focus on opening your heart to God, allowing His Spirit to guide your prayers and thoughts. Ask Him to help you worship in a way that pleases Him, regardless of your surroundings or circumstances.

Day 2: Christ as the Head of the Church

Reading: Ephesians 1:15-23

Devotional: Paul's powerful words remind us that Christ is the supreme authority over all creation, including the Church. As members of His body, we're called to recognize His leadership and submit to His will. Today, consider areas in your life where you might be resisting Christ's headship. Are there decisions or attitudes that need to align more closely with His teachings? Pray for the humility to surrender fully to Christ's leadership, trusting that His plan for the Church—and for you—is perfect.

Day 3: Unity in Diversity

Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Devotional: The Church is beautifully diverse, with each member playing a unique and vital role. Just as a body needs all its parts to function properly, the Church needs every believer to fulfill their God-given purpose. Reflect on your own gifts and calling within the body of Christ. Are you using your talents to serve others and build up the Church? Ask God to show you how you can contribute more fully to His work, embracing your role with joy and purpose.

Day 4: Proclaiming the Gospel

Reading: Romans 10:9-15

Devotional: A "Spirit and Truth Church" is passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. The message of the Gospel is the power of God for salvation, and we're called to be its messengers. Today, consider your own commitment to evangelism. Are you ready to share your faith with others? Pray for boldness and opportunities to proclaim Christ's love to those around you. Ask God to give you a heart that sees the eternal significance of every soul you encounter.

Day 5: Pursuing the Holy Spirit’s Presence

Reading: Acts 2:1-21

Devotional: Joseph's story is ultimately one of hope. Despite years of setbacks, God remained faithful to His promises. The same is true for us. No matter how dire our circumstances may seem, we can hope in God's unfailing love and faithfulness. His mercies are new every morning. Today, write down three ways God has been faithful to you in the past. Let these memories fuel your hope for the future. Ask God to strengthen your faith in His promises, even when hope seems distant.


3-Minute Church: Shake Hell, Move Heaven, Stoke Revival


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