Church in the Wild

Church in the Wild Series
How do you know your faith is real? To conclude our Church in the Wild series, Pastor Zach shares a sermon on testing faith and how if it's living, will produce experiential evidence in your life. Your faith is too important not to test it.
Pastor Lee Cummings returns this Sunday to deliver another powerful sermon in our "Church in the Wild" series: there is strength in weakness. What we see as disqualifying, God sees as qualifying for His heavenly purpose. It is in our weakness that God's grace makes us STRONG.
Just as a house needs a solid foundation to withstand storms, our spiritual lives require firm grounding in Christ. Pastor Sonny Misar delivers an impactful sermon on the building blocks to creating a foundation in Christ. Don't miss it this sermon from our "Church in the Wild" series!
Pastor Rachel Culver delivers an empowering message on taking up our swords and putting on our spiritual armor. We have the power to break strongholds in our minds and claim victory in the name of Jesus. We do not fight LIKE the world, because we are not OF the world.
We never look more like Jesus than when we step into generosity. Pastor Lee Cummings reminds us that generosity is a lot like the love of Jesus: simple goodness that gives itself with no strings attached. Don't miss out on this sermon from our "Church in the Wild" series!
In this sermon from Mike Popenhagen, he shares how to grow in the area of generosity. We must understand that generosity is not an income issue, but a posture of our heart.
Are you living with an open or closed heart? Jesus died on the cross and bore the weight of our pain, knowing we wouldn't be able to handle it on our own. Don’t miss this powerful sermon from Pastor Caleb Culver!
God wants more than anything to be around us, within us, beside us, and working with us. We respond to Him by pursuing holy lives and honoring the covenant He has made with us. Don't miss out on this sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews!
This world is not our home. In this sermon, Pastor Lee reminds us of the long term goal: eternity. While our bodies may fail us as we grow in old age, we can have hope knowing that we will be renewed in the Spirit when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
In this sermon, Pastor Lee reminds us of Paul's persecution as a suffering saint. Even through suffering, Paul counted it all to joy. God gives us the endurance, just like Paul, to not lose heart in the midst of pain.
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings delivers an impactful reminder that Christ has written His law on our hearts. When we trade in our worldly status for the pursuit of Jesus, we gain something that the world can never give: the beauty of the cross.
In this sermon, Pastor Tim Matthews delivers an impactful message on the triumph we can find even in the midst of tragedy. As we endure trials as Christians, we share in Christ's sufferings and can rejoice, knowing the Spirit of glory rests on us.
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings gives context to 2 Corinthians, teaches how there will be suffering in remaining faithful to Jesus, and defines three important terms you need to know.