3-Minute Church: The Foundations of a True Apostle

This blog unpacks Pastor Sonny Misar’s sermon from August 11, 2024: The Foundations of a True Apostle

"The strength of your foundation will determine the fruitfulness of your life. That's as simple as it gets."

Pastor Sonny Misar

Just as a house needs a solid foundation to withstand storms, our spiritual lives require firm grounding in Christ.


Can you remember a time where someone laid a foundation for you? 

Maybe it was your mom taking you to church on Sundays, or a youth pastor you encountered in middle school who taught you how to pray.

Maybe it was a friend who brought you to church after quite some time, or the Holy Spirit encountering you in a deep valley.

These little moments, little miracles, build our spiritual rock.

They lay the foundation. 

Ephesians 4 highlights the importance of spiritual mentors, and actually tells us that pastors, evangelists, and prophets were instrumentally placed to help equip the saints.

That’s us!

These spiritual mentors have one thing in common: their foundation is built upon the steadfast Word of God.

Not opinions, or watered-down teachings of the Bible, but practices that teach how to remain grounded in our faith.

When we embrace these Kingdom relationships, we can build our foundations on one another’s, brick by brick.

Christ at the Center. 


Ultimate fidelity to Jesus.

Ultimate fidelity to Jesus means that even when the things of this world become trying, He still reigns.


When we lay the wrong foundations for our lives, not only does it separate us relationally and spiritually, but the Lord SEES it.

Whether it’s leaning into our political affiliations, distrust, or even having the wrong view of who God is, these foundations will not sustain the house we build upon the Lord.

They will rot, crumble, and cause our house to fall.

Have you ever heard of displacement?

In construction, it’s the moving or removing of materials to replace an object from its original position.

The Lord wants to come in with His spiritual bulldozer and displace the HECK out of our crumbling foundations…and we’re not always ready for it.

Displacement means change, dirty messes, and disruption to our lifestyle. Doesn’t sounds too fun, does it?

But displacement also means that a renewal is taking place.

Just like the apostolic mentors, friends, and family who met us in our little miracle moments…they too had to face the dirt and the mess.

Someone encountered them, just as they encountered us, and we will encounter others…

Laying the spiritual foundation that equips us to remain grounded in our faith:

Out with the old, and in with the new.

Christ at the Center. 


Ultimate fidelity to Jesus.

Tap to watch Pastor Sonny Misar's sermon now on YouTube.


3-Minute Church: Strength in Weakness


3-Minute Church: How to Overcome Strongholds