Created to Thrive
Are you planted or potted? Planted believers thrive in community with fellow believers, where they grow and serve in the local church. However, many believers are potted, moving from one spiritual experience to another without putting down roots. Pastor Lee Cummings encourages us to step into the environment God has cultivated for us: the Household of God.
The Revelation that Changes Everything
God's Presence exists everywhere, but we have to have eyes to see beyond the natural. Pastor Lee Cummings reminds us of the transformational revelation of God's omnipresence. When we enter into heartfelt worship, pour our anointed oil on the church, and seek His daily bread, the atmosphere changes.
When God Builds a House
Kicking off our latest series, In His House, Pastor Lee Cummings delivers a profound truth: God's house isn't a physical place—it's a spiritual reality. The Household of God is built on the cornerstone of who Jesus Christ is: Savior and Son of God. If we get Jesus wrong, we get the Church wrong. Who do you say that He is?
Hunger & Thirst for More: Part II
Our hunger is satisfied when we align ourselves with Jesus's appetite: to do the will of the Father. Pastor Lee Cummings delivers a powerful sermon on the Samaritan woman at the well, reminding us that the Lord provides living water. When we drink from His living water and hunger to do His will, we discover our true purpose: to love God and make His name known.
Hunger & Thirst for More: Part I
Our hunger is satisfied when we align ourselves with Jesus's appetite: to do the will of the Father. Pastor Lee Cummings delivers a powerful sermon on the Samaritan woman at the well, reminding us that the Lord provides living water. When we drink from His living water and hunger to do His will, we discover our true purpose: to love God and make His name known.
What Are You Hungry For?
The invitation is clear: Taste and see that the Lord is good. In this season of SEEK, Pastor Lee Cummings compels us to evaluate our hunger for the Lord. Will we continue to seek Him beyond our 21 days of fasting and prayer? In a culture that values success, status, and material gain, we must count it all as lost in comparison to knowing Christ.
SEEK: The Horn of Hunger
On night one of SEEK 2025, Pastor Lee Cummings delivers a powerful word on spiritual hunger. Pastor Lee references a cornucopia, which in traditional society is seen as a status of wealth and fulfillment. The cornucopia, while full, often leads to the "horn of hunger," which is spiritual emptiness. When our "horn of hunger" produces spiritual thirst, God fills it with His presence.
Christmas Eve at Radiant Church
Worship with us at one of our Christmas Eve services on Tuesday, December 24, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! Share the good news and invite your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers.
Trusting God in the Waiting
As we enter the Advent season, we are reminded that the waiting season has purpose and preparation. Pastor Lee Cummings delivers a meaningful reminder that God is always on time, even when we may feel delayed. When our faith feels the most tested, this is when we can step into deeper faithfulness and trust.
7 Things You Need to Know About Generosity
This Sunday, Pastor Lee Cummings delivers an impactful message on generosity. When we approach generosity with a transformational mindset rather than a transactional one, we reflect God's spirit. God promises that if He can trust us as conduits or stewards of His blessings, we will never lack anything we need. Don't miss this sermon!
New Wine, Fresh Oil, and Old Fire
Join us this week as we dive into Habakkuk's powerful prayer for revival. Pastor Lee challenges us to yearn for a renewed outpouring of God's Spirit, cultivate fresh oil, and reignite the old fire that lies dormant within us. All revival doesn't begin in a room; revival begins in a heart, one at a time.
God’s Vision for a Spirit and Truth Church (Part Two)
In the second installment of Pastor Lee's sermon "God's Vision for a Spirit and Truth Church," we explore the five ways to align with God's vision for the Church. When we prioritize the fullness of His presence, miracles happen, lives are transformed, and the gospel is effectively preached. Don't miss this powerful message!
God’s Vision for a Spirit and Truth Church
On Vision Sunday, Pastor Lee Cummings shares the importance of building a Spirit and Truth Church that preaches the gospel fervently, worships God from the inside out, and prays powerfully to move Heaven and shake Hell.
Strength in Weakness
Pastor Lee Cummings returns this Sunday to deliver another powerful sermon in our "Church in the Wild" series: there is strength in weakness. What we see as disqualifying, God sees as qualifying for His heavenly purpose. It is in our weakness that God's grace makes us STRONG.
The Mystery of Generosity
We never look more like Jesus than when we step into generosity. Pastor Lee Cummings reminds us that generosity is a lot like the love of Jesus: simple goodness that gives itself with no strings attached. Don't miss out on this sermon from our "Church in the Wild" series!
In Light of Eternity
This world is not our home. In this sermon, Pastor Lee reminds us of the long term goal: eternity. While our bodies may fail us as we grow in old age, we can have hope knowing that we will be renewed in the Spirit when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
What is Your Perspective?
In this sermon, Pastor Lee reminds us of Paul's persecution as a suffering saint. Even through suffering, Paul counted it all to joy. God gives us the endurance, just like Paul, to not lose heart in the midst of pain.
What is Your Status?
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings delivers an impactful reminder that Christ has written His law on our hearts. When we trade in our worldly status for the pursuit of Jesus, we gain something that the world can never give: the beauty of the cross.
Suffering in Faithfulness
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings gives context to 2 Corinthians, teaches how there will be suffering in remaining faithful to Jesus, and defines three important terms you need to know.
Overcoming Orphan Mentality
Join us for a powerful sermon as Pastor Lee Cummings shares the healing found in spiritual adoption and what it means to embrace our true identity as cherished children of God.