3-Minute Church: Created to Thrive

Scroll to read a recap of Pastor Lee Cummings' sermon from March 9, 2025


Many of us are not meeting God's full potential, coasting by or being content with the mundane. Did you know that God actually created you to thrive before reaching eternity?

In Psalm 92:12–15, we find a picture of what it means to thrive and flourish:

"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, 'The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.'" (Psalm 92:12–15, NIV)

Going back to Genesis 1, we see that God created every being with a specific purpose and environment in which it would thrive. Fish were made for water, birds for the sky, and animals for land. But what about us? What were humans uniquely created for?

Unlike anything else, God used His hands to create man at the beginning of creation. While speaking every other being into existence, He instead handcrafted man intimately.

Why did God specifically create us with this special nature?

  1. To Bear His Image

    Being made in God's image and likeness, we are set apart from all other creation. When He formed us by His hands, He breathed life—His Spirit—into us. God designed us to carry His Presence here on earth, glorifying it to all creation.

  2. To Carry Authority and Dominion

    God has entrusted us with the responsibility to carry His Presence wherever we go, which includes stewarding His creation. Are we managing our resources in a way that honors Him? When we thrive in the dominion He has anointed us with, we contribute to an earthly reality of a flourishing Kingdom.

  3. To Be Fruitful and Multiply

    Everything that God created has seed within it, both physically and spiritually. When we multiply His seed, we fill the earth with a generation of believers who will honor and serve the Lord. This was always His intention: Everything that has breath will praise the Lord. God also calls us to be fruitful in our multiplication, bearing seeds of good fruit and breaking generational curses.

  4. To Walk in Divine Partnership with God

    When we partner with God, we build His House as a spiritual reality on earth. He asks us to collaborate with His ongoing creation, redemption, and restoration work—including our own. The moment we are saved, God gifts us with an entirely new environment. It’s up to us to cultivate and partner with God in this new environment.

This has always been God’s design for humanity; however, sin fractured this original design. Our image became distorted, our authority was surrendered to the enemy, our fruitfulness turned to selfishness, and our partnership with God was broken.


Everything lost in the Garden of Eden has been restored through Jesus Christ! At the cross, Jesus declared, "It is finished." The curse was lifted, the heavens were opened, and God offered a new identity to all who call on His name.

So how do we truly flourish as God intended?

Many Christians struggle to walk in the new environment God has given them because they aren’t cultivating it. Just as palm trees need the right soil and climate to reach their full potential, we need the right spiritual environment to thrive. Did you know that God created you to thrive within the presence of His house, which is the Church?

For some believers, spiritual life might feel like a potted palm tree. They look nice, but potted palm trees are limited in their growth and fruitfulness. In this context, believers may move from church to church, teaching to teaching, setting their roots down temporarily but never truly planting themselves in God’s house. In many cases, years of Church hurt have deterred them from committing.

But to flourish like the palm tree in Psalm 92, we need to be planted, not just potted. This means setting our stone in a local church, submitting to spiritual authority, and pouring our oil of talents and gifts unto others. Palm trees, when planted, interlock their roots with surrounding palms, strengthening their stance through weathered storms. When we walk in community with others, we become like these palms.

When we dare to plant ourselves in God's house alongside His people, something special happens: We start to flourish in ways we never thought possible because we're finally in the environment we were designed for. Parts of us that were hurt begin to heal, and our growth reaches its fullest potential.

It’s like watching an Olympic swimmer in their element. When Michael Phelps dives into a pool, you see someone doing exactly what they were made to do. Crafted by years of training, their physical attributes execute perfectly with the water. In the same way, when we plant ourselves in the Church, we're stepping into the very thing we were created for.

So the question is, are you potted or planted?

The invitation is clear: It’s time to get out of the pot and into the soil. It’s time to say, “God, if I've allowed myself to stay potted, give me the grace to become planted so I can flourish.”

For everything God created, He also made a corresponding environment in which it would thrive, but we were not made to grow alone.

Remember, you were designed for His Presence. You were designed for the Church.

Tap to watch Pastor Lee Cummings' full sermon on Youtube.


Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:

Day 1: Created to Thrive

Reading: Psalm 92:12–15, Genesis 1:26–28

Devotional: God created us with a specific purpose—to thrive in His presence. Just as a palm tree flourishes when planted in the right environment, we are designed to grow and bear fruit when rooted in God's house. Today, reflect on how you are currently "planted" in your spiritual life. Are you merely potted, able to be moved at will, or deeply rooted in God's presence and community? Consider what steps you can take to sink your roots deeper into God's house and presence. Remember, you were created for more than survival; you were created to thrive.

Day 2: Bearing God's Image

Reading: Genesis 1:26–27, 2 Corinthians 3:18

Devotional: We are uniquely created in God's image, designed to reflect His character to the world around us. Though sin has distorted this image, through Christ, we are being transformed back into His likeness. Today, consider how you are reflecting God's image in your daily life. Are there areas where you need to allow the Holy Spirit to work on you, reshaping you to better reflect Christ? Ask God to show you one specific way you can better bear His image today, whether through an act of kindness, speaking truth, or demonstrating patience.

Day 3: Walking in Divine Authority

Reading: Matthew 28:18–20, Ephesians 2:4–10

Devotional: God has delegated authority to His children, calling us to have dominion and to make disciples. This authority was lost in Eden but was restored through Christ. How are you exercising the spiritual authority God has given you? Are you actively engaging in the Great Commission, or have you become passive? Today, pray for opportunities to exercise your God-given authority in spreading His kingdom. Look for ways to influence your sphere of influence for Christ, remembering that your authority comes from Him.

Day 4: Fruitfulness in Every Season

Reading: John 15:1–8, Galatians 5:22–23

Devotional: God calls us to be fruitful in every season of life, including our "old age." This fruitfulness isn't just about physical reproduction but spiritual multiplication—discipleship, using our gifts, and leaving a godly legacy. Reflect on your current season of life. Are you bearing the fruit of the Spirit? Are you multiplying what God has given you by pouring it into others? Ask God to show you areas where you can increase your fruitfulness, regardless of your age or circumstances. Remember, when we abide in Christ, fruitfulness is not just possible—it's promised.

Day 5: Planted in God's Presence

Reading: Psalm 27:4–6, Hebrews 10:19–25

Devotional: The ultimate environment for our spiritual growth is God's presence, manifested powerfully in the local church. Just as a fish thrives in water and a bird in the air, we are designed to flourish in God's house. How committed are you to being planted in a local church community? Are you merely attending, or are you deeply rooted, serving, giving, and growing? Today, evaluate your level of commitment to your local church. Ask God to help you move from being "potted" to being "planted," intertwining your roots with fellow believers for mutual support and growth. Remember, it's in this environment that we find the nutrients needed to reach our full potential in Christ.


3-Minute Church: Deep Roots, Lasting Fruit


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