When God is Your Father

When God is Your Father Series
Join us for a powerful sermon as Pastor Lee Cummings shares the healing found in spiritual adoption and what it means to embrace our true identity as cherished children of God.
Pastor Lee Cummings reminds us of the greatest revelation that Jesus gave us–to know and understand that God relates to us as our Father. He is the ultimate, perfect, consistent, and available Father who covers us in times of vulnerability. Therefore, we can confidently say “the Lord is my helper. What can man do to me?”
Jesus, the one who offers eternal life, COULD NOT do life on His own—His words bear witness to the remarkable truth that He relied completely on God the Father for all things. Don't miss this sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews as we continue in our "When God is Your Father" series.
One of the greatest longings of the human heart and most critical issue in our day is for someone to tell us who we are and that we have worth.
In this sermon continuing our "When God is Your Father" series, Pastor Lee Cummings unpacks how the role of God's discipline in our life is vital to our process of maturity.
In this sermon, Pastor Lee continues in our "When God is Your Father" series with a powerful Word on true acceptance, love, and a sense of belonging that is found in our relationship with God.
In this sermon to kick off our "When God is Your Father" series, Pastor Lee Cummings unpacks the power of embracing God's role as our loving Father, how He heals wounds of spiritual fatherlessness, and guides us into a fulfilling relationship with Him.