3-Minute Church: The New Self

This blog unpacks Pastor Tim Matthews’ Sermon from February 2, 2025

“The new self is more than a lofty ideal that we're chasing for but never fully grasping. The new self is what we put on.”

Pastor Tim Matthews

We are created in the image of God, designed to reflect His glory throughout creation.


As we all know, sin entered the story early on, shattering Christ’s perfect reflection—like a rock thrown at a mirror.

The result? A world that doesn't quite feel right. One where we look around and think, "This can't be how things are supposed to be." Yet, in His infinite love and mercy, God didn’t leave us in that broken state.

Enter Jesus Christ, the perfect image of God’s character and nature.

Through Jesus, we see God's fullness and what He desires for His people. Jesus' life, death, and resurrection offer us a chance for restoration—not just a patch job but a complete renewal, inside and out. 

This renewal isn't just about avoiding Hell or securing a spot in Heaven. It's about bringing Heaven to Earth right now, in our everyday lives. It's about putting off the old self, with all its brokenness and deceit, and putting on the new self, which was created to be like God: Holy.

What does the new self look like in practice?

  1. We speak truth in love, building others up rather than tearing them down.

  2. Our anger doesn't rule us; we learn to let it go before the sun sets.

  3. Bitterness, slander, and malice are replaced with kindness, compassion, and forgiveness.

  4. We pursue purity in our thoughts and actions, seeking to please the Lord in all we do.

  5. Instead of being controlled by addictions or other substances, we're filled with the Holy Spirit.

  6. Gratitude becomes our default setting, beating in our hearts and flowing from our lips.

This transformation isn't just an individual pursuit; it's meant to be lived out in community with others. When we embrace the new self, we not only experience personal change but unlock the door to authentic relationships with others in the same pursuit.

Imagine a community where people speak truth with grace.

Where anger doesn't simmer and destroy.

Where forgiveness flows freely.

Picture a group of friends who build each other up, pursue purity together, and are filled with overflowing thankfulness. This isn't a fairy tale: It's the intended blueprint for the Church.

Living this way requires intentionality and effort. It means joining small groups, reaching out to neighbors, and being willing to open our homes to others. It means seeing anyone and everyone as valuable children of God, even when it’s challenging.

The beautiful thing is that we are not left to figure this out on our own. Jesus didn't just give us a set of rules to follow; He gave us Himself, which is the perfect example of Christ’s love. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can live out that same sacrificial love in our own relationships.

This journey of transformation isn't always easy, but we have a promise: The same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work within us.

As we embrace the new self, we’ll find that it overflows into the deepest parts of our lives.

Our marriages become stronger as we learn to forgive as Christ forgave us.

Our workplaces are transformed as we labor with integrity, not just for our own benefit.

Our neighborhoods change as we reach out in love, inviting people into our lives.

This isn't about perfection; it's about progress.

As we do this, we'll discover something amazing: The life God calls us to isn't restrictive or boring. It's actually the most freeing, joyful, and fulfilling way to live.

We were created to bring Him glory and join along with Heaven’s song as our new selves.

Tap to watch Pastor Tim Matthews’ full sermon on Youtube.


Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:

Day 1: Embracing God's Love

Reading: 1 John 4:7-21

Devotional: God's love is the foundation of our faith and the catalyst for transformation in our lives. As we read about God's perfect love, let's reflect on how it has changed us. How has experiencing God's love enabled you to love others more deeply? Consider ways you can demonstrate God's love to someone in your life today, perhaps through an act of kindness or forgiveness. Remember, our ability to love others is rooted in God's love for us.

Day 2: Putting Off the Old, Putting On the New

Reading: Ephesians 4:17-24

Devotional: Paul's words remind us that in Christ, we are new creations. This isn't just a nice idea but a powerful reality we're called to live out daily. What aspects of your "old self" do you still struggle with? Bring these before God in prayer. Now, consider the qualities of your "new self" in Christ - how can you actively cultivate these today? Remember, this transformation isn't about your own effort but about allowing Christ to work in and through you.

Day 3: The Power of Community

Reading: Hebrews 10:19-25

Devotional: We weren't meant to walk our faith journey alone. The church isn't just a building or an event but a family of believers supporting one another. How has Christian community enriched your life? If you're not currently connected, what steps can you take to engage more deeply with fellow believers? Consider joining a small group or finding a way to serve in your local church. As you do, remember that you're not just receiving support, but you're also a vital part of supporting others.

Day 4: Living as Light in the World

Reading: Matthew 5:13-16

Devotional: As followers of Christ, we're called to be "light" in a world often shrouded in darkness. This isn't about perfection but about allowing Christ's love and truth to shine through us. In what areas of your life - work, family, community - can you be a more effective witness for Christ? It might be through your words, actions, or simply your attitude. Pray for opportunities to shine Christ's light today and for the courage to seize them when they come.

Day 5: Abiding in Christ

Reading: John 15:1-11

Devotional: Jesus uses the metaphor of a vine and branches to illustrate our need to stay connected to Him. This "abiding" isn't just a Sunday activity but a constant, moment-by-moment reliance on Christ. How can you cultivate a deeper connection with Jesus in your daily life? It might be through more intentional prayer, meditation on Scripture, or simply pausing throughout the day to acknowledge His presence. Remember, apart from Him, we can do nothing, but as we abide in Christ, our lives will bear much fruit.


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