Friendship with God

Friendship with God

Speaker: Pastor Caleb Culver
Date: January 19, 2025

Continuing our Hunger and Thirst series, Pastor Caleb Culver delivers a message on pursuing friendship with God. When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. While we have always had God's attention and sonship, this is not synonymous with friendship. True friendship with God requires time, loyalty, and shared burdens.

Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:

Day 1: Friendship with God

Reading: James 4:1-10

Devotional: God desires a deep, personal friendship with each of us. This passage reminds us that drawing near to God isn't about religious rituals or striving but about cultivating a genuine relationship. Reflect on your own friendship with God. Are there areas where you've been keeping Him at arm's length? Consider how you can open your heart more fully to His presence today. Remember, God isn't distant or cold - He yearns jealously for your companionship. Take time to simply be with Him, sharing your thoughts and listening for His voice.

Day 2: Walking with God

Reading: Genesis 5:21-24, Amos 3:3

Devotional: Enoch's life was marked by his consistent walk with God. This intimate, day-to-day relationship is available to all believers. Consider the shared experiences you've had with God - times of joy, sorrow, victory, and struggle. How have these moments deepened your connection with Him? Today, invite God into every aspect of your life, from mundane tasks to significant decisions. Practice awareness of His presence, and look for ways to include Him in your daily walk.

Day 3: Loyalty in Friendship

Reading: Genesis 22:1-14

Devotional: Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac demonstrates profound loyalty to God. While God doesn't ask us to sacrifice our children, He does call us to prioritize our relationship with Him above all else. Reflect on areas in your life where your loyalty to God is being tested. Are there things you're hesitant to surrender? Remember, God's plans for us are always rooted in love, even when they're challenging. Ask for the grace to trust Him more deeply, knowing that He is faithful even when we struggle.

Day 4: Bearing God's Burden

Reading: Genesis 18:16-33

Devotional: Abraham's intercession for Sodom reveals a heart aligned with God's. He was willing to linger, to feel God's grief, and to plead for mercy. In our own lives, how often do we take time to understand God's heart for our communities and the world? Today, ask God to break your heart for what breaks His. Spend time in prayer for your city, your neighbors, or a specific group of people. Allow yourself to feel God's compassion and to intercede boldly, knowing that He delights in showing mercy.

Day 5: From Servants to Friends

Reading: John 15:9-17

Devotional: Jesus elevates His disciples from servants to friends, sharing with them the Father's heart. This invitation extends to us as well. Friendship with God isn't about gaining special privileges but about sharing His mission and heart for the world. Reflect on how your relationship with God has evolved over time. Are you still relating to Him primarily as a servant, or have you embraced the intimacy of friendship? Today, ask Jesus to deepen your friendship with Him. Share your heart openly, and listen for what He wants to share with you. Remember, true friendship with God will always lead us to greater love for others and involvement in His redemptive work in the world.


Hunger & Thirst for More: Part I


What Are You Hungry For?