SEEK: Contending for Revival

SEEK: Contending for Revival

Speaker: Pastor Russell B Johnson
Date: January 8, 2025

Russel B. Johnson is back! The Lord told us to give Him one more night, so we extended our SEEK 2025 services to a fourth night. In an age of severe spiritual drought plaguing our land, like Elijah, we have to keep our eyes fixed on the hills and pray for rain—even if it takes seven, forty, or 100 times. Revival is coming, and it's going to rain.

Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:

Day 1: Contending for Revival

Reading: Isaiah 64:1-4

Devotional: Just as the prophet cried out, "Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down," we, too, are called to contend for God's presence in our lives and communities. Today's passage reminds us of God's awesome power and willingness to intervene on behalf of those who wait for Him. Reflect on areas in your life or community that need revival. Are you willing to persistently seek God, even when circumstances seem unchanged? Remember, like Elijah looking for a cloud the size of a man's hand, sometimes revival begins with small signs of God's movement. Pray boldly for God to manifest His presence in powerful ways, and commit to being attentive to His work around you.

Day 2: The Joy of God's Presence

Reading: Psalm 16:11

Devotional: Today's verse speaks of the fullness of joy found in God's presence. This echoes the sermon's emphasis on finding our greatest delight in worshiping and serving God. Consider how you've experienced joy in God's presence recently. Have you allowed other pursuits to diminish your appreciation for time spent with God? Remember, as the sermon noted, our primary purpose is to be "priests unto God," ministering to Him through worship and obedience. Take time today to intentionally enter God's presence through prayer and worship, focusing solely on delighting in Him rather than asking for anything. Let this joy become the foundation of your service and witness to others.

Day 3: Faith in Times of Drought

Reading: 1 Kings 17:7-16

Devotional: The story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath powerfully illustrates faith during times of scarcity. Like the widow, we may face situations where our resources seem depleted, and God's promises feel distant. Yet God calls us to trust Him even when obedience doesn't make logical sense. Reflect on areas in your life where you're experiencing a spiritual or material "drought." How might God be calling you to step out in faith, even with your last bit of "flour and oil"? Remember that God often uses these times of testing to refine our faith and prepare us for greater blessings. Pray for the courage to trust God fully, even when circumstances seem dire.

Day 4: Persevering in Prayer

Reading: Luke 18:1-8

Devotional: Jesus' parable of the persistent widow encourages us to pray continually and not lose heart. This aligns with the sermon's emphasis on contending for revival and not giving up on prodigals. Consider situations in your life where you've grown weary in prayer. Have you stopped believing in breakthroughs in certain areas? Remember that God values our persistent faith, even when answers seem delayed. Like Elijah, who prayed seven times for rain, we're called to keep seeking God until we see His promises fulfilled. Renew your commitment to persistent prayer today, especially for those situations that seem most hopeless.

Day 5: Vessels of Revival

Reading: 2 Timothy 2:20-21

Devotional: Today's passage speaks of becoming vessels for honorable use in God's house. This connects with the sermon's call to be instruments of revival in our communities. Reflect on how God might want to use you to bring spiritual renewal to others. Are there areas of your life that need purifying so you can be more effectively used by God? Remember that God often works through ordinary people who make themselves available to Him. Just as the widow's small offering became the source of ongoing provision, your willingness to be used by God can have a far-reaching impact. Pray for God to cleanse and prepare you as a vessel for His purposes, and look for opportunities to be a catalyst for revival in your sphere of influence.


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