What is Big Give?
Every year since 2011, Radiant Church has held the Big Give, where we ask our Radiant family to give above and beyond their regular tithe to a specific focus. As a church, we have a mandate to expand the Kingdom of God and continue to remember the poor and those in need in our community. Through Kingdom Builders, Radiant’s strategic initiative focused on the local and global expansion of outreach, evangelism, and mercy ministry, you are actively participating in the Great Commission and helping us be RADIANT to our city and across the globe. YOU are making a difference, and this year is going to be special.
2024 Big Give Offering Goal:
Joel – Missions Pastor
Before I begin writing about the 2024 Big Give, I feel the need to reflect on what happened one year ago. We set the largest goal amount ever in faith to see some of the most challenging initiatives ever put into motion. I would be lying if I said it didn’t sometimes make me nervous.
God moved the hearts of the people of Radiant Church to respond with radical generosity, and we not only met our goals but far exceeded them! What was accomplished last season has greatly impacted our community and our world.
Because of your generosity:
Churches have been created where once there were no believers.
A camp building in Malawi now stands, where orphaned children can come and learn about the love of God.
God's Word has gone farther and faster into new regions, being expressed creatively in new languages and ways.
Missionaries have been equipped with tools to greatly increase their capacity to carry out their calling.
People who have never had access to clean water now have more than they could ever drink.
Hope has been brought into many hopeless situations.
As I consider all that was accomplished last year, it builds my faith for this year and the years to come. It reminds me of just how “worth it” all of this is, and just how worthy He is.
God has truly been faithful, and we have truly been blessed so that we can bless others!
This year, I’ve sensed a focus on the Word of God. Ever since He first spoke and light came forth from darkness, everything and everyone has been created by His Word.
“so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11 ESV)It is the Word of God that compels us to feed the poor and give them dignity.
It is the Word of God that compels us to care for the vulnerable in our communities.
It is the Word of God that drives us to the ends of the earth to make Him known among every nation, tribe, and tongue.
When God speaks, His voice goes out like an echo, like a never-ending ripple changing the course of histories and nations and altering the lives of mankind. It is powerful to remember that the echoes of God’s Word do not die out or grow faint—they multiply.
This is what drives us to give sacrificially to new initiatives that spread His Word and to expand the work that He asked us to begin in the previous season—right here in Kalamazoo and all around the world.
Furthermore, the Word of the Lord always bears the fruit that He intends. And He is worthy of everything we could ever offer.
The Big Give initiatives we have chosen this year will expand the reach of the Word of God through education, mobilization, music, translation, and the dedication of the local church.
I cannot express to you what an honor it is to serve you, Radiant Church, in the area of missions and outreach. When we all come together and do what we can, God always finishes the job. The testimony of your generosity and love is written in heaven, and in the hearts of many around the world who cannot thank you in person.
I am so excited to present this year’s Big Give to you and to watch it all unfold once again. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Local Partners
Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries
Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries serves the community of Southwest Michigan, offering radical hospitality in Jesus’ name to people dealing with hunger, homelessness, abuse, addiction, and anyone else in need. Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries has been a Radiant Church Kingdom Builders partner for many years.
Path of Life High School
Path of Life is a Christ-centered high school in the Edison Neighborhood of Kalamazoo. Their main purpose is to provide an affordable high school education that allows students to find their God-given purpose.
Warm Kids Project
Warm Kids Project invests in Kalamazoo area communities by providing new winter clothing to children in need. Warm Kids Project has been a local partner of Kingdom Builders for several years. They work directly with local schools to identify those in need and supply them with winter gear to stay warm and in school.
Global Partners
The mission of OneHope is to get God’s Word into the hands of every child. They are the largest supplier of Scripture worldwide and have reached 1.9 billion children since 1987. OneHope partners with local churches and has worked in over 200 countries.
Christ for India (Brother Abraham)
A long-time partner with Kingdom Builders, Brother Abraham pastors in India and oversees more than four thousand churches across twenty-two different states with Christ for India.
Church Multiplication Coalition
Radiant Church has partnered with an amazing family through Church Multiplication Coalition for many years. Due to security concerns, we cannot show their names/faces. However, please pray for these workers as they labor to see a church in every community!
Radiant Apostolic Ministries
Radiant Network
The Radiant Network is a family of churches and leaders who share similar spiritual DNA and have aligned themselves together in a common vision for growing the Kingdom. With over sixty churches across many state lines coming together under the banner of the Radiant Network, this growing movement is a powerful apostolic ministry flowing from our church.
Radiant School of Ministry
The Radiant School of Ministry (RSM), located in Kalamazoo, equips the next generation of pastors, worship leaders, ministers, and missionaries. We are training the next generation of leaders for the church, not so they can stay here, but so they can be sent out to impact the world for Christ. It is Radiant’s apostolic investment into the future of the American church.
Radiant City Music
Radiant City Music is a collection of worship leaders, songwriters, and musicians who have gathered from across the globe to work alongside each other and build the worship culture of Radiant Church. Fueled by prayer, Radiant City Music is committed to creating music with excellence and sending it beyond Kalamazoo to impact the Western Church. The songs that have come out of this church are being sung in hundreds of churches across America and the world.
Big Give Offering
Sunday, December 1
Thank You!
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for taking the time to learn about this year’s Big Give. Your generosity is impacting lives here in Kalamazoo and across the globe. Generations will come to know Jesus because of your faithfulness. Thank you for your investment in the Great Commission and for believing that the Word of God will be known in every nation, tribe, and tongue.