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Kingdom Builders Impact Trip: Malawi

Kindness Acts will be sending a team to Malawi. The beginning of the trip will be spent volunteering in boarding schools and orphanages. After that, the team will be traveling to the KA camp that Radiant helped fund through the Big Give. Participants will be doing light construction, painting, assembling beds and furniture and preparing for the camp to officially open. The trip will end with our first orphan camp in the new building (Lord willing!). If the building is not ready we will have a back-up facility reserved. The weekend camp will accommodate 50 orphaned children that will be discipled through Bible studies, devotions, & group discussions. There will also be life skill discussions such as drug & Aids prevention, games and fun events. We are expectant for salvations, baptisms, discipleship and to be making an eternal impact. The age range will be from 12 years old and up. Those that are under 16 would require a parent to attend. This will be a physically challenging trip and are requesting all team members to be in good physical health.

September 25

Kingdom Builders Impact Trip: Guadalajara

October 6

Communion Sunday