Foundations of Faith
Foundations of Faith is a simple, online video course that we’ve created to serve new Christians who are eager to learn and grow in their faith.
Understanding the fundamental beliefs of Christianity is an important and life-giving part of following Jesus, and our hope is that this video series will serve as a helpful first step in your lifelong journey of faith.
This series is comprised of ten short videos, which feature Pastor Lee Cummings teaching core Christian beliefs.
Traditions of Our Faith
Apostles’ Creed
The Apostles’ Creed is the Church’s oldest statement of faith.
Written in the second century AD, it’s a unifying script that clearly summarizes our core Christian beliefs. While not specifically found in the Bible, this Creed is a succinct compilation of Biblical tenets and doctrine historically used to teach new believers the basic concepts of the Christian faith. Still recited in churches today, the Apostles’ Creed serves as a compilation of the unifying truths held by Christians around the world.
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended to hell, and on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Christian Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
The Lord's Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer is the most widely cited Christian prayer in the world, and we find its origin in Matthew 6:9-13, when Jesus instructed His disciples how to pray.
The disciples, being fully Jewish, maintained their rigorous traditional prayer customs, praying scripted prayers with high frequency and methodical timing. They knew all of the prayer traditions, but they never heard prayers like Jesus’. When Jesus prayed, it was fresh and relational, and the disciples wanted that kind of prayer active in their own lives. The Lord’s Prayer was Jesus’ response to His disciples asking Him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” In doing so, Jesus wasn’t attempting to give His disciples another prayer to recite for repetition’s sake, but to demonstrate how to relationally pray to God.
Use Jesus’ pattern to form your own prayers:
Our Father in heaven: Connect with God relationally.
Hallowed be Your Name: Worship God.
Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven: Pray His agenda for your life, acknowledging that His plans are better than our own.
Give us today our daily bread: Ask God for the things you need.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors: Acknowledge and ask forgiveness for your sins, and forgive others who have wronged you.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one: Ask for His help in being victorious over sin and temptation, and request His protection from the attacks of the enemy.
For yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever: Proclaim faith in God, and place your trust in His power and leadership.
Bible Reading Plan
Reading the Word of God is an important and eternally valuable part of following Jesus, but it can feel like a daunting task if you’re not sure where to start. If you’re looking for a practical way to jumpstart a routine Bible reading plan, we invite you to try one of the following approaches:
Begin reading the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John is the fourth book of the New Testament, and it brings the incredible story of scripture to life in a fresh, personal and powerful way. Whether you read one chapter a day or read the entire thing on one sitting, you’re sure to be impacted, encouraged, blessed and challenged as you discover the heart of Christ through the eyes of one of His dearest friends and disciples, John.
Download the YouVersion Bible App for free on your smartphone or device, or survey the multitude of free study resources available at Bible.com. To explore and discover a Bible reading plan that is perfect for you, click here!
Making the Word of God a routine part of your life will transform your heart, renew your mind, refresh your soul, and give you divine direction for your life. We encourage you to make it a part of your daily life. We know that when you do, you will begin to see the evidence of God’s presence, voice and activity in your life increase like never before!
Looking for More?
If you’re looking for more content that can help you grow as a new believer, we have an entire library of video teachings from all our past sermon series available on demand right here on our website! A great place to start is Pastor Lee’s Three Sixteen series. John 3:16 is one of the most cited salvation passages in the New Testament, so it’s a natural starting point for many new believers who are exploring the Gospel. And while John 3:16 may be the most well known bible verse of all time, it can also be misunderstood. This series unlocks the hidden depths of meaning in this popular passage, and also helps define how we can apply the work of the Gospel to our lives.
Part 1: For God
Part 2: So Loved
Part 3: The World
Part 4: He Gave
Part 5: His Son
Part 6: Whosoever Believes
Part 7: Will Not Perish But Have Eternal Life
Still Have Questions?
We’re committed to serving our community and helping people grow as radiant disciples of Jesus Christ. If you are looking for help, support, connection, or just need someone to talk and pray with, you can click on the button below to contact us.
The Divine Nature Of God