Reach the Forgotten | Jail Ministry
RTF believes in the redemption and restoration of inmates through Jesus Christ. As the largest jail-focused ministry in the U.S., we empower chaplains and volunteers to share hope and salvation with the “forgotten” women and men incarcerated in Michigan’s county jails.
Their mission is to provide Christ-centered hope and healing through biblically-based, chaplain led, volunteer jail ministries. Their vision is for every incarcerated person to experience new life in Christ
and develop healthy family, church, and community relationships.
“Remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Hebrews 13:3
LOCATION: State-Wide
PHONE: (269) 383-8767
Pray for Reach The Forgotten:
Join Reach The Forgotten in prayer for every inmate in Kalamazoo County Jails to experience the love and joy of God, for the soil to be ready to receive the Gospel, and to experience the freedom of Christ in their lives and in their families. You can participate in this by covering the ministry in prayer or by volunteering to do prayer walks through the jail, prayer for people.
ARM (Authentic Remote Ministry)
Authentic Remote Ministry is a way to connect with inmates. You can write emails to inmates, develop relationship, and plant seeds of truth and scripture. With this ministry, Reach The Forgotten is seeing people being discipled through written correspondence.
Many people who are incarcerated need clothes. Reach The Forgotten is looking for donations of sweatshirts, sweat pants, and t-shirts in varying adult sizes. They are also in need of feminine hygiene products, underwear, and card games or books (any games or books donated must meet certain guidelines).
Evangelism + Discipleship
With a vision and mission to see every inmate and worker at the jails be reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Reach The Forgotten needs volunteers equipped with the Gospel, personal testimony, and a willingness to to invest time in discipleship to accomplish that mission. Please email if you are interested in this!