Tito Musyoki Rural Development Organization

Mission: Tito Musyoki Rural Development Ministry exists to help poor rural Kenyan communities by promoting reading and education, medical health, healthy lifestyles, and helping people become more economically independent.

Ministry: Education

Location: Kenya

Website: tmruralcommunitydev.org

Big Give 2022

Tom and Karen Jones, active members of the Radiant family, have served this ministry for many years. We are partnering with them to drill a well in a rural community east of Nairobi. As a result of inconsistent rainfall in this area, the community has to travel long distances to watering holes that are often stagnant and used by animals in the area. These areas often see little success in reception of the Gospel, so providing a well would build trust and open doors for the Gospel.


Take time to pray for the health and well-being of these people as well as the reception of the Gospel upon the well completion. Additionally, keep an eye out for a potential Kingdom Builders Impact Trip to Kenya.





This donation will provide drilling of the well, a solar pump, and solar panels to this community.


  • Pray for their new church plant inNgunyumu, Kenya, to continue to spread the gospel and reach the lost.

  • Pray for the people of Kenya. Pray that God would bless them with better health and food security and that new doors would be opened to present the gospel.


Church Multiplication Gospel Ministry - Pastor Mezgabu


Living Hope Myanmar