
A Radiant City Vision Documentary Series

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Life without stories is mundane and meaningless.

This documentary sets out to give texture to the story of Radiant. Through personal experiences and testimonies, New Rain tells the overarching story of God’s faithfulness through the eyes of those who have been a part of Radiant throughout its years.

Seeing God at work through these dimensions does something on the inside of us–it stirs up faith and causes us to believe that we can be a part of what God has done, and what He is going to do.

It’s our hope that as you watch and see God’s miraculous hand at work, that it would inspire, provoke, and create a desire in you to be a part of what God is calling us to next - the Radiant City Vision

We really want to capture this story–what God’s doing at Radiant, so that people can see that they are a part of something a lot larger than themselves.
— Pastor Tim Matthews

Episode I

Darkness is a reality. In fact, this past year was filled with darkness. But what is greater than darkness? The answer is hope. This hope isn't meant for only us to hold on to – it's for everyone around us. Episode I of New Rain reveals that as people of God, we're called to be carriers and communicators of this hope to a lost and dying world.

Episode II

In Episode II of New Rain, we dive into the history of Radiant and reveal how the Isaiah 60 mission has manifested itself through the years. Experience with us not only what God has done through Radiant in the past, but see a glimpse into what God is calling us to next and the key role that you play in it.

Episode III

In Episode III of New Rain, we cast vision for the future of Radiant Church. This episode paints a picture of an eternity perspective. It reveals how every contribution, no matter the size, truly matters, and encourages everyone to respond to the call to build a radiant city.

Episode IV

A legacy is about taking what God has blessed us with and investing it in a way that leaves a long-lasting impact for future generations. In Episode IV of New Rain, we see God move in miraculous ways and awaken desires in His people to leave lasting God-focused legacies. If we press in and keep our eyes on Jesus, we will finish the race and see the glory of God fall on this city like never before.