What Are Water Baptisms?

What are water baptisms?

Why do I get baptized?

How do I get baptized?

These are questions we receive all the time, and we’ve got some answers for you.

Water Baptisms are a significant decision in every believer's life and are the outward proclamation of a decision to follow Jesus. After you’ve experienced salvation, your next step in following Jesus is demonstrating your faithful obedience to Him. Part of following Jesus is to follow His example. Jesus himself was baptized by John the Baptist.

When you accept Jesus into your heart, you become a new creation in Christ. When you are water baptized and submerged under the water, you’re publicly burying your old self. When you come up out of the water, you rise in Christ, just as He did when he was raised from the tomb in the newness of life. This is when we truly identify with Christ!

If you have accepted Christ, but have never been water baptized, we encourage you to participate in our next water baptism services on July 24/25 at Radiant! You can register at the link below.

Here are two great resources from Pastor Lee that help uncover the significance of water baptisms!

Below are some photos from an in-person water baptism service. On April 17/18, 2021, we had 75+ individuals publicly declare their faith through water baptism!

Lastly, did you know that YOU can baptize someone or be baptized yourself at a time outside of our campuses? Any body of water - a lake, pool, or even a bathtub will do the trick. We've created a PDF with resources and tips on how to lead a water baptism below.


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