01. Can I sign up for recurring gifts to the Radiant City Vision or do I need to manually give?

You can definitely sign up for recurring gifts toward Radiant City Vision. To setup a recurring or one-time gift go to: https://pushpay.com/g/radiantcityvision

02. Where have funds that I’ve given gone toward?

If you’ve previously given to the Radiant City Vision your giving has helped us complete projects at the Radiant City Center and Richland Campus. It’s also being allocated towards upcoming aspects of Radiant City Vision including completing Richland and Portage Campus optimization, Radiant Kids spaces, and Campus expansion. Learn more about these projects and their current status on the Project Details page.

03. If I have been giving from my 2020 or 2021 Intent To Give, how can I update a recurring gift?

Go to Pushpay.com and sign into your account. Under “Recurring Gifts” click on “edit” next to the schedule you’d like to update. Don’t forget to click “save” when you’ve finished updating. If you want to change your payment method, enter the new method under payment methods first and then go to your recurring gift and change the payment method there.

04. What if I cannot commit at this time, can I give as I feel led? If so, how do I do this?

Yes, you can definitely give at any point between now and March 2024! By selecting the “Radiant City Vision” fund in Pushpay, all of your giving will be allocated towards Radiant City Vision projects and will be added to your annual giving statement regardless of whether you filled out an Intent To Give card.

05. How can I track what I’ve given to Radiant City Vision?

You can track what you’ve given to Radiant City Vision through your Radiant Connect account under Financial, or through your Pushpay account. If you need help accessing your account, please email giving@radiantchurch.tv.