God With Us: Part Four
In week four, Pastor Lee Cummings concludes God With Us by sharing on the truth that Jesus is STILL God with Us.
God With Us: Part Three
In week three of God With Us, Pastor Lee Cummings preaches on Jesus being the light in our darkness and what it really means when He calls Himself the light of the world.
God With Us: Week One
In week one of God With Us, Pastor Lee reads from John 1 and focuses on the truth that God wrote Himself into our story, and He'll never leave or forsake us.
In This House
What if the extraordinary became the ordinary? In this stand-alone message titled In This House, Pastor Lee Cummings teaches on the heartbeat of Radiant Church.
The Battle Part Eleven: The Return of The King
The Battle is a series that will explore the spiritual realm, spiritual warfare, angels and demons, and will also examine the signs of the return of Christ found in scripture. In the final chapter of The Battle, Pastor Lee Cummings concludes the series by sharing out of 1 Thessalonians and highlighting the end times. He focuses on shifting our attention to the return of the Lord, encouraging us to live with a sense of urgency because He's coming back.
The Battle Part Ten: Arm Yourself
The Battle is a series that will explore the spiritual realm, spiritual warfare, angels and demons, and will also examine the signs of the return of Christ found in scripture. In part ten of The Battle, Pastor Lee Cummings continues his sermon, Arm Yourself, and goes deeper into the truth that we need to arm ourselves with the full armor of God to withstand the attacks of the enemy.
The Battle Part Nine: Arm Yourself
The Battle is a series that will explore the spiritual realm, spiritual warfare, angels and demons, and will also examine the signs of the return of Christ found in scripture. In part nine of The Battle, Pastor Lee Cummings teaches from the book of Ephesians, where we learn that to withstand the enemy, you must put on the full armor of God.
The Battle Part Eight: Standing in the Gap
The Battle is a series that will explore the spiritual realm, spiritual warfare, angels and demons, and will also examine the signs of the return of Christ found in scripture. In part eight of our series The Battle, Pastor Lee Cummings teaches from 1 Timothy on the subject of intercession and the calling we have on our lives to stand in the gap for those around us.
The Battle Part Six: Weapons of Our Warfare - Prayer
In week 6 of The Battle, Pastor Lee Cummings brings a powerful word on the power of prayer. We learn that when we pray joyfully and powerfully, we begin to learn who God is, and who we are in Christ.
The Battle Part Five: Your Worship is Your Weapon
In this sermon from Pastor Lee Cummings, we learn that our worship is one of our greatest weapons against the enemy, and that worship shouldn't be about our preferences, it should be about God's preferences.
The Battle Part Three: Understanding your Enemy
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings teaches us how to identify who our enemy is, what his tactics are, and how we can be overcome his attacks.
The Battle Part Two: Positioned to Win
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings focuses on Ephesians 6 and reveals the importance of standing firm in the battle while submitting yourself fully to God.
The Battle Part One: Welcome to the Combat Zone
In this message titled, Welcome to the Combat Zone, Pastor Lee Cummings teaches us about the spiritual battle taking place beyond our view and explains the importance of remaining strong when the enemy attacks and deceives you.
Giving God What He Wants
In this stand-alone sermon titled, Giving God What He Wants, Pastor Lee Cummings teaches on the greatest gift you can give to God: a fully yielded life.
Heroes: Could've Been Heroes
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings highlights individuals who could have been heroes in the Bible but failed to answer the call.
Heroes Part Three: Mary of Bethany
In this sermon, Pastor Lee brings the story of Mary of Bethany and shares what the Bible says about having undistracted devotion to God.
Heroes Part One: John the Baptist
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings explores the life of John the Baptist and reveals the importance of reaching after the calling God has placed on our lives.
Red Hot Anything Goes: Part Three
Have you ever wanted to ask a pastor a really awkward, taboo, or complicated question? Red Hot is a three-weekend live Q&A series that revolves around some of the hottest topics in our culture. In the final week of RED HOT, Pastor Lee Cummings answers your live questions about ANYTHING you can think of. That’s right... it’s wildcard weekend, and anything goes!
Red Hot Anything Goes: Part Two
Have you ever wanted to ask a pastor a really awkward, taboo, or complicated question? Red Hot is a three-weekend live Q&A series that revolves around some of the hottest topics in our culture. In the final week of RED HOT, Pastor Lee Cummings answers your live questions about ANYTHING you can think of. That’s right... it’s wildcard weekend, and anything goes!