Radiant Stories
I Wasn’t Blind, but Now I See
After a Macular Degeneration diagnosis, Jim felt called to pray for healing. Months later, specialists at the Cleveland Clinic cleared his scan: The lesions were gone.
The Lonc Family: An Infertility Story
In the face of heartbreak and loss, Jake and Jessica share their journey of building a family and trusting God through difficult seasons.
Serving His House with Boldness
Renz shares the fulfillment and impact he experiences in serving others.
Waiting for an Answered Prayer
Discovering God’s plan through the struggles of infertility.
Obedience in the Water
“It was the next step in my faith. The Lord has really used that and has been so faithful in this season.”
In The Waiting
After years of infertility and heartbreak, watch Ross and Kate’s story that reveals of the faithfulness of God.
Flourishing in Community
Tammy and Jeff shares their story of connection and community through Radiant Groups.
Forgiven and Redeemed
God meets Sophia in her brokenness and breathes new life into her story.
From Death to Life
Avery’s battle with depression and anxiety comes to an end when Jesus becomes her source of hope and identity.
Met in my Loneliness
Through her battle with anxiety and depression, Eve discovers the true freedom in finding her identity in Christ.
Jane's Story
Through her battle with dystonia, Jane put her trust in God and is now seeing how He's using her for His story.
Learning to Trust the Lord
The Vieau family experiences the freedom in choosing to trust the Lord.
Our Gift of Promise
When they almost lose their infant daughter, God does a miracle in the Eckert family.
God's Faithfulness Through the Unknown
Becky shares about her journey through seasons of unknown and how the Lord redeemed her story.
All at Once
A miraculous God bringing beauty from ashes and answering the cry of Joe and Theresa’s heart.
In Every Season, He is Working
Through a pressing season in her life, Lexie learns what it means to live a faith-filled life.
Choosing Life & Trusting God's Plan
In this heartwarming testimony, Karen shares her story of facing an unplanned pregnancy and choosing life for her son, Aaron.