Radiant Church

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Surpassing Understanding

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:7

I was living the dream back in 2008! I was happily married to John Talmage and together we had two beautiful, healthy boys and had recently adopted our precious daughter from Guatemala. John’s business was growing and successful, the kids were being home schooled, we were very involved in our church, and we had just completed building our dream house. Then we got the call that I had breast cancer.

Although this is news no one wants to hear, the peace of the Lord came upon me and in that moment I had complete confidence that I would be ok. After meeting with the doctors, I pursued a holistic approach. But after a year of raw foods and wheat grass, the cancer was still there. I decided it was time to go forward with the surgeries. 

Despite my diagnosis, our family was thriving. Through prayer and worship we did our best to keep our hopes high and kept our trust in God. However months later, we were under attack. John struggled over work related issues, and in a matter of days he was in a constant state of worry and struggled to sleep. On September 10, 2009, my life changed forever when he took his life.

Life was complete chaos. It felt like the foundation of my life was caving in. My three precious babies were three, seven, and eleven years old at that time. I wanted to pray but I couldn't. I didn't know what to say; only tears came. Pain and grief found its way into every crack and crevice of my spirit like a flood. I was living in absolute darkness and I had to face it alone.

For months I was on auto-pilot. I was unable to concentrate on responsibilities, unable to initiate routine tasks, unable to ask for help, unable to do anything but stay alive. During that time I faced cancer alone, I saw my mother get treatment for cancer, we lost my father in law, and I lost the house I had built with John. Looking back, life in those months is a total blur; nothing but pain. Somehow I did things that needed to be done, but I just wasn’t there. It came to a point where I felt I had nothing left to give. 

When I was at the end of my rope, my prayers for emotional healing and wisdom were finally answered. My eyes were opened and finally saw that I couldn’t do it alone. I needed to rely on Him! Despite my suffering, He had new mercies for me every day. Going forward, each day I knew I had enough strength as long as I kept my eyes on Christ and saw things through His eyes. 

My church community, homeschool community, friends, and family began to bless me beyond belief. Through daily meals, contributions to an educational fund, assistance to homeschool the kids, special Christmas celebrations, house cleanings, assistance to medical appointments and physical help after my last surgery, packing up my home, and so much more. Time after time, God showed up for our family! 

God had so much to teach me, more than could be taught in the comfortable times in my life. I was on a journey that I did not want to be on. God had called me to be a single mom and take on the leadership role and move toward the goal of raising young, strong, courageous, Godly children. Throughout it all, the Lord has been by my side, faithfully holding my hand.  Little did I know He would bring a wonderful man into my life to hold the other hand. In September, 2018, I married an amazing man, Mark Scholten. It was God’s perfect timing. He brought us together, and it’s His love that binds our hearts and lives together. 

When God takes charge, He provides for us in every way. I am truly blessed!

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” - Deuteronomy 31:16

Do you feel your story can serve as a hope and inspiration to others? Contact us at mystory@radiant.church.