Radiant Blog

Radiant News, Letter to the Church Guest User Radiant News, Letter to the Church Guest User

Letter to the Church: February 2023

Having recently completed our SEEK 21 day season of prayer and fasting, I am a bit stunned and encouraged by the level of spiritual hunger that I witnessed in our community right from the beginning. Historically, it takes a while for the distractions of the holidays to catch up to our commitment to pursue the Lord. But this year, there was a supernatural anticipation that began on the opening Sunday of SEEK which bled into our Revival Nights, resulting in an overflow. As your pastor, I was so encouraged, but also asked the Lord, “What does this mean?”

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Radiant News, Letter to the Church Guest User Radiant News, Letter to the Church Guest User

Letter to the Church: November 2022

As we are approaching Christmas this year, I am again struck by the creatures of cultural habit that we all have become. Our calendars drive us from the celebration to the next, and before you know it, the year is done, and we repeat the cycle without giving very much thought or focus on what these “seasons” should mean to us. Christmas is the biggest holiday of them all. We watch the Macy’s parade, listen to classic Christmas music, decorate our homes, and even in the Church, we can often become guilty of forgetting about the miracle that Christmas really is…

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Big Give: Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a global event occurring on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving every year, where people across the world unleash the power of radical generosity. This year, the event falls on Tuesday, November 29, and could be an opportunity to make your Big Give contribution go even further!

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Radiant News, Letter to the Church Guest User Radiant News, Letter to the Church Guest User

Letter to the Church: October 2022

As I write this letter, I feel more urgency about the hour we live in than I ever have before. In a recent weekend sermon, I went off script from my “scheduled message” and shared about what I believe is a window of time that we are in as a nation. I shared about the upcoming vote on Proposal 3 in the upcoming elections here in the state of Michigan. A horrendous bill that has to do with the expansion and codifying abortion up to and beyond the 25th week and removes parental notification for minors seeking an abortion.

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Prayer in the Park

On Sunday, October 23 at 4:00PM, churches from across Kalamazoo are gathering together at Arcadia Creek Festival Place for Prayer in the Park. We will be praying, worshipping, and interceding for the sanctity of life of the unborn. As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to protect those who don’t have a voice.

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Radiant News, Letter to the Church Guest User Radiant News, Letter to the Church Guest User

Letter to the Church: September 2022

This summer on our July break, I was reading through the Pastoral Epistles of Paul and was struck by the heart behind them. Even though the apostle Paul traveled extensively and rarely saw the leaders and congregations he was responsible for starting, they were never out of his thoughts. He took every opportunity to write to them, answering their questions and encouraging them in their continual pursuit of Jesus Christ.

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Radiant Camp 2022 | Recap

What an amazing week at Radiant Camp! Over 300 of Radiant Kids and Students encountered the presence of God, received freedom, and walked in the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for praying for the next generation this week!

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