Kingdom Builders: Ukraine Refugee Crisis Update

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the people and the nation of Ukraine. A few weeks ago, we joined our ministry partner OneHope to meet the immediate needs of those in crisis. Through your generosity, we were able to send a gift of $25,000 to support these local churches as they minister and provide relief to refugees.

Here is an update we just received from OneHope:

“As of today, an estimated over 3 million refugees have fled Ukraine to surrounding European countries, with over 2 million fleeing to Poland. OneHope has continued working with multiple networks of churches throughout Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, and Romania to meet practical needs, evacuate vulnerable refugees, and present the love of God to every person in need. These churches are also opening their doors to be used as temporary refugee centers for people as well. We are so thankful for your continued support and generosity. Because of you, we can accomplish reaching every child with God’s Word and necessities in time of need.”

Also, here’s a testimony they received:

“This is to express our sincere gratitude to OneHope for your financial contribution to rescue efforts of Ukrainian Pentecostal Church teams. Your gifts were among the first to arrive while our nation was still shocked by the brutal, unprovoked, unjustified, and unconscionable war in Ukraine. The Church's ministers and many volunteers showed mercy, support, and love to many due to your faithfulness during the first weeks of continuous horror. Your contribution made it possible to evacuate over 2000 people from Poltava, Chernigiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, and Kyiv region; 150 vehicles carried around 300 tons of supplies to regions with the most needs. Our partnership with OneHope made evacuation costs, renting homes and apartments, purchasing food, medicine, and meeting more emergency needs like toiletries, children care supplies, etc paid. We are so grateful to you personally, your team, partners, and donors for passing this very special trial together with our nation! We see our God at move every day. Missiles never blow up, volunteer drivers fully recover their strength during short hours of night sleep, and people confess Christ their Savior seeing powerful witness of the Church ministering to those in need. Hallelujah!”
- Ukrainian Pentecostal Church

Thank you for your support of Kingdom Builders! Please continue praying for the people and the nation of Ukraine.

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