What is Kingdom Builders?
Kingdom Builders is a Radiant Church strategic initiative focused on the local and global expansion of outreach, evangelism, and mercy ministry. Whether it be sending missionaries to the nations, planting new churches, or caring for the poor, we believe that as Christians, we are called to participate actively in the Great Commission by impacting the world and building the Kingdom of God in every sphere of society.
Our Strategy
We have a great responsibility to steward our resources wisely, knowing that we cannot be on the front line of every battle. The reality is that more than 90 percent of the resources of the Global church are being used in areas previously reached with the gospel. If we truly want to make an impact and help finish the Great Commission, we are going to have to make an effort to change those numbers. Here is a basic look at the global strategy we are striving for:
50 percent of resources going to evangelizing the remaining unreached people groups in the 10/40 window
25 percent of resources going to Evangelism efforts in the rest of the world
25 percent of resources going to Mercy Ministry (poverty, widows, orphans, etc.) around the world
Regions in the eastern hemisphere, along with the European and African part of the Western Hemisphere, located between 10° and 40° north of the Equator, with the least access to the Gospel.

We have two primary ways for you to financially resource Kingdom Builders:
Ongoing Financial Partnership
Every time you give, you have the opportunity to designate a specific amount of financial support directly to Kingdom Builders. These funds will be used solely to resource all of our Kingdom Builders initiatives. You may also choose to set up a recurring gift to Kingdom Builders through PushPay by clicking “Give Online” below.
Our Annual Big Give Offering
This special annual offering serves as the firstfruits of our community’s investment in all of our Kingdom Builders initiatives. Our Big Give offering takes place each November.
You can also give by check:
Make your check out to “Radiant Church” and note “Kingdom Builders”.
Checks can be mailed to:
Radiant Church
Attn: Finance
8157 East DE Ave
Richland, MI 49083.

Global Missions
Kingdom Builders Impact Teams are groups of people who volunteer and travel to various places around the world in an ongoing effort to help our long-term Kingdom Builders ministry partners meet the practical and spiritual needs of their communities, and share the love of Jesus.
Local Outreach
Volunteer locally with one of our many Radiant Local Partners, and make an impact in our city. There are many different organizations and ways that you can be involved in the ministry already taking place all over Kalamazoo.

Prayer is an important and integral part of the Great Commission.
Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 9:38, “… pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Here are some ways you can partner with the Lord and Kingdom Builders through prayer.
Download the Operation World app and the Unreached of the Day app to pray for countries all over the world
Pray with us every Thursday at 7:00AM as we intercede for unreached people groups from the Prayer Room at the Radiant City Center
Join a Global Missions Prayer Group!
Kingdom Builders Events
Missions & Outreach Team
Missions Pastor
Missionary Care Director
Renee Snape
Missions & Outreach Coordinator