Radiant Blog
Upcoming Guest Speakers | May & June 2021
We are so excited to welcome some incredible special friends of Radiant Church to speak over the next few months!
What Is Arise Shine Conference?
God is stirring the Church, moving in ways we could not have seen coming, and we believe, waking up His people so that He can move like we’ve never seen before.
Limited Edition Radiant Spring Merch Collection Has Arrived!
We’re so excited about the release of our brand new spring merchandise! This collection features three brand new pieces that were designed with not only spring in mind, but the season we believe Radiant Church is currently experiencing.
Radiant News Update
Coming up at Radiant: Water Baptisms, Arise Shine Conference Online Experience, Prayer Meetings, and more!
SEEK First Wednesdays: A Radiant At Home Experience
The church is more than just a building–it’s a people. It’s a people that love Jesus fervently and want the whole world to experience his love.
Welcome to Radiant News!
Welcome to Radiant News! Whatever campus you call home, there are many different ways to connect and stay up-to-date on information specific to you.